The X-iles

The Elements of Badfic

Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum
By Obfusc8er
Pairing: Jack/Elizabeth, kinda
Genre: PWP (pathetic word porn), double drabble
Rating: PG-13, if that
Summary: I recently bought a copy of Strunk & White's
The Elements of Style (which I highly recommend, by
the way). This is what happens when you mix an English
glossary, boredom, and a sick sense of humor.

Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean and its characters
belong to Ted Elliot, Terry Rossio, and Disney, in no
particular order. The Elements of Style belongs to Strunk
& White. I'm pretty sure that none of the above people
would have ever written anything as awful as this fic.
Nighttime; Shipwreck Cove:
Jack had thought long and hard on how to approach Elizabeth with
this rather personal preposition. Fortunately, she agreed with him
in person and number. He turned to her with a cocky grin and asked
if the only Pirate King who ever wore a corset (with few possible
exceptions) wouldn't mind slipping into a less restrictive modifier.
Then he leered at her as he backed against his door and locked it,
baring his possessive. Teague would be about to check on the
articles, and Jack didn't want his antecedent--or anyone else--to
interrupt him. Even though Jack was up for it, he expressed some
concern over the timing of their conjunction, but Liz assured him
that she was in the right phase of her periodic sentence.
Jack hastened to deftly split her infinitive with his own direct
object. She enjoyed playing with Jack's dangling participles even
more than he. Jack blurted out scads of colloquialisms as Elizabeth
turned him into a mere dependant clause. She smiled and shook her
head, telling him not to be so intransitive. Applying his gerund so
vigorously wore out Jack, and his voice was exhausted. The two
pirates had parted, weary in past-perfect tense. Because a pirate's
life is but a fragment, after all.