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Aye, There's the Rum
By Obfusc8er
Character: Jack, mostly
Genre: Fluffy gen, haiku (x4)
Rating: G
Summary: Jack obtains a valuable item and something more...

Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean and its characters belong to
Ted Elliot, Terry Rossio, and Disney, in no particular order.
Captain Jack Sparrow
Sailed round the world to islands
Of cherry blossoms

The shopkeeper smiled
Sold him the ebony box
And gave free advice

This box, he said, guides
But always follow your heart
That is the compass

Long is the journey
But narrow the road, for you
are hyohakusha

Notes: This was inspired by a National Geographic article on
the Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. To the best of my understanding,
hosomichi means "a narrow road", and hyohakusha means
"vagabond", or more vividly, "one who moves without direction".