The X-iles


Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum
By Obfusc8er

Spoilers: None, really, but "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" if
you're anal.

Holiday epic (Well, it does have a hero with a
definite character flaw.), Scully POV.

Rating: G (Fun for the whole family, especially the ficus in the

Archive: Federal Registry of Radioactive Waste Dump Sites and
whoever else wants it. Please ask first.

Disclaimer: They can keep Scully, but Mulder is mine! Mine!

It is advised that you don't read this summary and skip straight to
the story, as neither is very entertaining, but the summary is
worse. :D

Summary: Mulder and Scully buy Christmas presents for each
other. This is in spite of Mulder's apparent standing as an
agnostic or non-practicing Jew (depending on how close he is
standing to a neoNazi). Scully's gift to Mulder has already been
given, and as it was probably something practical and boring, I do
not care about it, and it shall not be covered here. For more on
that occurrence, consult the Gray's Anatomy textbook. Now,
Mulder had been given "hints" about what Scully wanted for
Christmas, but, being entirely dependent on his Y chromosome for
conversations and gift purchases, he dismissed her "hints" as
unfortunate mental lapses resulting from wearing tight pantyhose.
Scully did not pick up on his cluelessness, as she succumbs to an
urge to stare up at his nose whenever he is in the same room. I do
not recommend this. For more on what I do recommend if you are
in the same room as Mulder, consult the Gray's Anatomy textbook.

As I was saying, Mulder picked Scully's gift on his own. Since she
is a very practical person, he got her a very practical gift. (This
holiday epic occurs sometime during Season 7, probably, since
Mulder does not have a metal prong sticking into each orifice, as
he would in Season 8.)

Here we go:

"No Mulder. I said I wanted a Clapper!"


If you feel you may be struck by a horrible case of male pattern
baldness if you don't send any feedback, send it to the above address.

The X-Files and related entities belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and Fox. I write only for the profit of feedback, not money.