The X-iles

Rebirthday Party
Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum
by push

310 Haven Fiesta challenge

Post-ep for Badlaa

No beta, so all suckiness is my fault.


Mulder and Scully belong to the Guru of X stuffs Chris Carter...the H is

"Ass genie?? Scully, am I to believe that this is really an X-File?"

"Mulder, what the hell are you reading? And hurry up with that ice

Mulder deftly filled two bowls, one with French vanilla and
the other with Cookies n' Cream while reading the case file about a little
man on a cart who traveled the world by crawling in a very obese
American's caudal orifice.

"Catching up on what I missed during my unexpected absence. And I
thought some of my cases were out there. This one really takes the
cake. You want Hershey's, Scully?"

"Damn straight I do. Your child insists upon it by the threat of endlessly
spinning upon my bladder all night. Ass genie? Is that really in that case

"Damn straight, Scully. Redi Whip?"

"Pass, but include a cherry and some banana slices."

Mulder made a face of disgust and applied an abundant amount of Redi
Whip to his bowl of Cookies n' Cream, then artfully arranged Scully's
cherry and banana slices on her French vanilla drowned in Hershey's
syrup. Mulder gathered up the bowls and the ass genie case file and
made his way to his ever expanding better half, who was constantly
searching for a comfortable position on the sofa.

"Yeah, Scully. 'Ass genie' is written here in the margin. Wonder who put
it there?"

"I have no idea," Scully mumbled through a spoonful of ice cream. "I'm
pretty sure Doggett typed that up. Maybe he put it there. Let me see."

"It doesn't matter, Scully. Enjoy your ice cream."

"No, Mulder, I want to see."

Scully leaned over, reaching for the file.

"Well, maybe I'm not comfortable with that."

Mulder leaned away keeping the file out of her reach.

"Hmm. My partner doth protest too much, because he knows that I can
recognize his handwriting. Just for that you get to rub my feet."

"Busted huh?"

Scully shifted placing her feet on Mulder's lap.

"Yup, but since you give such a good foot rub and make great sundaes,
I will keep you around."

Mulder began with a deep massage to her right arch.

"I am equally as talented at rubbing other things as well."

Mulder waggled his eyebrows.

"As soon as I am done with my ice cream, we can celebrate the second
month of your rebirthday."

Scully waggled her brows back.

"Hey Scully, if you rub my ass..."

She interrupted and finished his statement.

"...A series of very interesting and extremely pleasurable events will
occur. To which my current gravid condition is the result. You know,
Mulder, you are the Ass Genie."

"Damn straight, woman, and don't you ever forget it."