The X-iles

The Half-Life of Heaven
Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum

By Sacred Heart

Rating: G
Spoilers: Demons, and everything from Requiem to The Truth.
This one was written for Gen, a fellow seeker, a kindred spirit, and a
generous soul.   
* * *
A little knowledge of neuropsychology is a dangerous thing.
I know how the drug works. I can literally feel the Ketamine swimming
in my cerebral cortex, binding to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors,
taking me back -- opening previously locked doors.
Too far back.
What is this?
I'm in a highchair, playing with a spoon. I smell pie baking in the
oven. I see my mother's hands wiping confectioner's sugar on a ruffled
Then I feel her arms wrapped around me. She must have picked me
up. I bury my nose in her hair. She is whispering, I love you.
But the hair is red and the voice is Scully's.
Flashing forward.  It's the same kitchen, same baking aroma, and
same highchair with a toddler in it.
Our child.
Scully is holding me and kissing me.
God, I'd suffer anything if this were our future.
I know it's a short-lived drug, but I want it to last forever.
* * *

Author's Notes: By no means is this meant to advocate the illegal use of drugs such
as Ketamine. Any pleasant connotations in the title and the content of this fic should
be adequately countered by watching all the negative repercussions of Ketamine use
depicted in the episode itself.
I thought it would be fun to juxtapose Mulder's buried demons with his concept of
heaven. It is ironic that the pursuit of one often results in the other.