The X-iles

Lingua Franca
Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum

By Sacred Heart

Rating: NC-17 
Spoilers: Avatar 
A 155-word mid-ep for Avatar, Skinner POV. This takes place
immediately after the following exchange between Skinner and Carina
Sayles in the bar: 
CARINA: Does it ever bother you? 
CARINA: Being alone. 
* * * 
Her question took me by surprise. Intelligent women are a dime a
dozen. Insightful ones are not. 
I looked into her eyes and saw depth. 
And then I saw desire mirroring my own. 
The intimacy of strangers tempts me, stronger than I have ever been
tempted before. I, who believe in silence and solitude above all, am
fighting to tear my eyes away from her. 
She thinks I want sex, but the intimacy I want is conversation. I want
to bare my heart and confide in some stranger what I cannot share
with my wife, my minister, my therapist, or even my self. 
I want to tell her everything, but all she wants is sex. 
So, I give her sex. 
I fill her every orifice with my fingers, my cock, and my mouth in a
manner that is more than symbolic. 
When she comes with my tongue inside her, the irony does not escape
* * *

Author's Notes: This is for Sabine, who allowed me to bare my heart and
confide in a time of great pain, in exchange for some romance to relieve
her boredom. It was never a fair trade. We each got what we needed at the
time, but we both wound up hurt. And, yes I was the prostitute in that
Lingua Franca is not only one of my favorite publications (sadly, no
longer in print) but also a great term for the curious amalgamation of
words and phrases that comprise a new language between people who
speak different tongues, who cannot understand each other, but have a
very strong desire to communicate.