The X-iles

Poetic Justice
Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum

By Sacred Heart

Summary: A double 155-word mid-ep for Genderbender, Brother Andrew
POV, in his room in the main house.
Rating: Strong NC-17
* * *
This time, I touch her with intent. The effect on her is almost immediate.
Her eyes glaze and her mouth parts. Intoxicating, how her tongue peeks
out to lick her lower lip - I felt it viscerally. No wonder Brother Marty
gave up everything. For this, I would too.
I watch as my enhanced pheromones rush into her body. How much of my
being should I put into the chemicals? I don't want to sicken her, much
less kill her. No, she is too extraordinary a human to squander. I recognize
her brilliance, even through the haze of my lust. I just want to overwhelm
her senses. For just one stolen moment, I want to taste her ecstasy.
Seeing her knees weaken, I lower her to the bed and throw caution to the
wind. I put all of myself into the pheromones, knowing this leaves my
physical body empty, defenseless. Should her partner find us now, he
could kill me easily. I no longer care.
A pesky little thought enters what is left of my mind: exactly who has
overwhelmed whom here?
As I sink beneath her skin, I hear her moan and whimper. I enter her
bloodstream, swimming through her veins like a fish that escaped the
trawler's net, unsure what miracle afforded me this freedom, but not
pausing to question divine providence. I just go -- as fast as I can -- in
sheer terror and joy.
What remains of consciousness inside my body feels her hips rise to rub
against mine. I hear her gasp softly, "God... Muld... Please." I settle my
body fully over her and feel her first orgasm rise like a tsunami.
It takes my breath away.
My next conscious thought is of hitting the ground. I sink through the dark
loamy soil, knowing exactly what happened.
She vomited me.
Humans and their poetic justice.

Author's Notes: 
1. Thank you to DFS (guest2) for helping me find this. It was posted on
12/28/02, about an hour before Haven went down. I was going to just let
sleeping dogs lie, but I should have known better, with friends like you. 
2. I know that going over the word limit defeats the purpose of the writing
exercise, but I'm not doing this to overcome writer's block. The 310 word
self-imposed limit is an homage to Livia's "Too Great To Hold." 
3. I rated this Strong NC-17 for the non-consensual sexual content. By no
means am I implying that rape could be pleasurable to any victim. Please
consider the supernatural context. And I hope the ending dispels all such
thoughts. I consider it fitting that any man who would take advantage of a
woman be portrayed as emesis.
4. This is for a good friend, whose name is always on my lips. I leave it up
to you to decide why Scully called out Mulder's name at that precise
moment. Was it out of sexual desire, or because he is her
friend/partner/intellectual equal and the one she trusts most? Ambiguity is
the name of the game. <g> I just hope this little gift brought a smile to
your lips.