The X-iles

The Truth That Has Always Been Out There
Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum

By Sacred Heart

Summary: A 155-word mid-ep for Triangle. 
Rating: PG-13 
Author's Notes: We all have our turning points, moments in
life of such great significance that they stand out even as
they are happening. This was such a moment for Mulder. In
retrospect, Triangle was also such a moment for me. It
marked my transformation into a "shipper". Better late than
never, right? 
This is dedicated to Sheila, because this is the first
episode she ever saw. 
* * * 
Never in my life have I wanted to believe anything more
than this. 
The Twilight Zone. 
Hoodoo Sea. 
Limbo of the Lost. 
The Devil's Triangle. 
And our ship sailed right into it. 
The mysterious isosceles area in the Atlantic Ocean
bordered by Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami, site of
"vanishments" and other unexplained phenomena. 
This would qualify. It is certainly something I cannot
explain. And for once, by God, I don't care if I ever get
an explanation. 
I am kissing Scully. 
And she's kissing me back. 
After years of fighting the urge with all my might, I am
giving in. And it is glorious. 
All the rationalizations that kept me at bay: respect for
my partner, fear of losing her friendship, all my anxieties
and insecurities, are washing away with the tide. 
If I live through this, I swear, I will tell Scully the
truth that has always been out there. 
I love her. 
* * * 

So much for maiden voyages of ships. (Pun intended.) 
I'm not letting the fact that she socks him in the jaw
right after this kiss ruin the moment for me. 
Nor am I letting her "Oh, brother..." response, after he
fulfills his promise to tell her that he loves her, mar the
perfection of that moment. 
He loves her and he got up the courage to tell her for the
first time. That's all that matters. 
I hope everyone out there who reads this is inspired to
tell an unacknowledged or under-acknowledged loved one that
they care. Hey, what's the worst that could happen? You can
always just say you were drugged.

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