The X-iles


Sweeney Todd Review
NonEssential and NonExistent's NonsEnse
Push's Pad
Xtreme Unction's Labor of Love
Sacred Heart's Ambry
Satchie's "On the Safe Side"
Site Correspondence
Aye, There's the Rum
By Obfusc8er

Rating: G
Classification: "Beyond the Sea"-related post-ep,
Distribution: Okay to Gossamer, Ephemeral, Enigmatic
Dr's. All others please ask first.
Summary: Waiting illustrates the value of something worth
missing for Margaret Scully
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Chris Carter, FOX
and/or 1013. No profit is being made. No infringement
intended. Just playing.
Thanks to O2 and pgh for the comments and to dw for
understanding my ironically impatient desire to post.
Notes at end.

The sea awakens her in the night. Its soft roar murmurs in a
plaintive voice and beckons through her window. She
follows its bidding and rises, wrapping herself in a long
jacket before gliding out the door.
Outside, the moon is hanging heavy in the sky, casting
silver accents on waving blades of Spartina. Margaret is
still in a half-sleep netherworld, but her bare feet keep
moving, shuffling over the hundreds of tiny concave
footprints made earlier by passing tourists. The neighbors
are throwing a party, complete with thrumming bass, but
Margaret pays no heed. Her attention is focused seaward.
A ghost crab scuttles out of her way as she parts the
rustling beach grass. She is almost there. Chill wind licks
over the sand break, rousing her from the trance. Margaret
pulls her jacket tight against the cold night air.
Past the dunes, sounds of the endless wash of saltwater
beckon her closer, drowning the last refrains of the partying
neighbors. Margaret steps down the face of the drift, sliding
carefully to the hard-packed, wet beach surface. She inhales
deeply and closes her eyes. The tangy scent of the ocean
takes her back, guiding her to similar times from the past.
She would stand on a beach much like this one, staring at
the horizon for hours on end, knowing he was out there
somewhere. Fear tempered her hope, but she always knew
that he would come back. She would wait, patient and
longing. Wanting. Needing him to return. She needed him
so much that she could not contemplate that he might not
return. It had never been an option.
To everyone else who knew him, he was an authority
figure, the impassive, stalwart Naval officer. But to her, he
was a caring husband, a fiercely loyal father, a passionate
lover, and a respectable man. He was worth waiting for.
Time and again she had waited, and always he had
But now she finds herself very much alone. The Captain
has gone to sea for the last time. She looks out over the soft
white crests of the breakers and just past the reaches of the
burgeoning moon. The horizon is lost to the darkness,
where the sea curves away from the sky. She closes her
eyes, shivering, feeling that she is on the seam between air
and water, between flying and drowning.
Margaret waits for him again, and although this is the most
difficult trial of her love, she knows he will return. She digs
her toes into the grainy wet sand, baring her face to the cold
ocean breeze. For a moment, she feels the warm puffs of
his breath in the wind, hears his calm reassurances rise
above the ocean roar. She has cast off and set her course,
and she will meet her Captain somewhere on the unseen


Note:  This story was inspired by the song "I Cover the
Waterfront" as performed by Billie Holiday (lyrics follow).

Away from the city that hurts and knocks,
I'm standing alone by the desolate docks
In the still and the chill of the night
I see the horizon, the great unknown
My heart has an ache
It's as heavy as stone
With the dawn coming on, make it last
I cover the waterfront
I'm watching the sea
Will the one I love
Be coming back to me
I cover the waterfront
In search of my love
And I'm covered
By a starlit sky above
Here am I
Patiently waiting
Hoping and longing
Oh how I yearn
Where are you
Have you thought back time
Will you remember
Will you return
Will the one I love
Be coming back
To me