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Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association


The Canadian Ladies' have a number of certificates to work for. Please read the
instructions regarding each certificate and if more information is needed direct your
enquiries to the Certificate Custodian listed at the bottom of this page.


In memory of Doris Cody VE3BBO who became a silent key on January 12, 1999,
CLARA is establishing an Achievement Award. Doris was a dedicated amateur and
following is a profile of her activities.

1965 - The Ontario Trilliums was formed and Doris was a founding member. She and
other yls along with their Oms worked hard to get the yl Club going. For many years
Doris was their Treasurer and in 1970-1972 was President. She also served as Treasurer
of the Trilliums QSL bureau.

1967 -A national club for Canadian yls was formed and Doris was one of the founding
members and this was the year CLARA was formed.

1969 -Doris organized the first Canadian YL Conference, held in Toronto. It was a great
success and many yls from the U.S. were in attendance.

Other worthwhile projects she participated in was working at the radio booth at the CNE
on behalf of the Ontario Trillums. She would gather prizes and gifts for the annual
Christmas party for the patients at the Queen Elizabeth hospital. Doris always
encouraged new yls to forget their mike shyness especially the visually impaired and the
physically handicapped. Doris's OM was Steve VE3BBC also a silent key.

To qualify for this Award CLARA members must be nominated and it can be either a
friend, relative or fellow ham, who submits your nomination. A summary of your
activities, which need not be restricted to the previous year, should list a significant
contribution in any aspect of Amateur Radio, e.g. personal achievement as a CLARA
member, Dxpedition, GOTA, Emergency participation, or contests.

This award will be in the form of a plaque which will be presented yearly for the next five
years. Unsuccessful nominations may be resubmitted the year 2003. Previous
winners are not eligible for further nomination for the same or similar achievements.
The winner will be chosen by the CLARA executive and the plaque will be awarded
during the later part of the year.
Nominations should be sent to Helen Archibald, 130 Embleton Crescent, Pointe Claire, QC Canada H9R 3N2 or ve2yak@rac.ca

YL-WAZ(Worked All Zones)

A certificate has been approved by a request submitted by Cathy VE3GJH, George
VE3DGX and Garry VE3XN. This certificate is established by CLARA and to be known
as YL-WAZ (Worked All Zones). There are 40 Zones in the world. The certificate will
begin with 10-zone and a sticker, each additional 10 a sticker to be added to the
certificate. The last 10 would equal 40 and the last sticker. When 40 Zones have been
worked a plaque for YL-WAZ will be available. All QSLs after WW2 will be accepted.
Please contact Muriel Foisy VE7LQH on E-mail pmfoisy@mars.ark.com for more

General information:

(Revised April, 1999). All QSL cards dated January 1st, 1945 or later may be counted.
All bands and modes qualify, except for 2 meters and VHF packet. Open to all Amateurs
world wide. Submit a complete copy of your log. All QSL cards must be in the possession
of the applicant but need not be submitted. The Custodian reserves the right to request
proof of any contact. The basic certificates are obtained for working and confirming
contacts listed for each different category.

Endorsements are available for each certificate in increments of 10. The DXCC-YL and
WAZ-YL plaques are brushed bronze and black on a walnut finished back, approximately
8x10 inches. (20x25cm)

Number 1 - CLARA Certificate:

Canadian and US stations work 10 members in 5 Canadian call areas (limit 4 VE3/VA3).
DX stations work 5 members in 3 Canadian call areas (limit 2 VE3/VA3).

Number 2 - DXCC-YL Certificate or Engraved Plaque:

Work 100 YL's in 100 different countries. Use approved DX country list.

Number 3 - CLARA Family Certificate:

Work a member plus any licensed family members scoring 1 point for each contact
made. Family members need not reside in Canada nor at the same address. A total of 10
points required for certificate. Log must show family relationships.

Number 4 - CLARA 10 DX-YL Certificate:

Work 10 YL's in 10 different countries. Use approved DX country list. When 100 DXYL
contacts have been confirmed for 10 DX certificate, you may apply for either the special
paper certificate, or the Engraved Plaque as in #2 above.

Number 5 - WAZ-YL Certificate or Engraved Plaque:

Work YL's in 10 different CQ Zones. Plaque available when all 40 CQ Zones are confirmed.


Fee for all basic certificates: VE's $5.00 - US and DX Stations $5.00 US
Endorsements: VE's $3.00 - US and DX Stations $3.00 US
Engraved Plaque: VE's $60.00 - US and DX Stations $60.00 US.

Payment to be made to the Certificate Custodian. Please enclose a SASE if writing for information.

Certificate Custodian: Kathy Mundinger VE3IGK
e-mail: kmundinger@yahoo.com