Adventures of the Cosmic

Destination: Unknown
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Tales of the Dread Pirate Goldrick
His Lady Pirate
and Crew
of the fine ship
Cosmic Mariner

  Within you will find adventures from past, present, and future.
We have sat with the great Khans, and the lowest of peasants,
 played with children, learned from cherished  elders,
traveled along the Known Worlds,
conversed with the intellects of the day,
enjoyed the works of the greatest artists of the
old and new ages.
We are not of the legendary vampires, although we have known a few,
We are adventurers through time and space.
We will attempt to chronicle for you the highlights of our existence.


The Pirates are
now in Key West


The Dread Pirate Goldrick
"The Golden Dragon"


The Lady Pirate


On to the Adventures!

The Little Pirates    Playing with Children

Where the Pirates Raided  Known Worlds

The scurvy dogs!  Cavorting with the Crews

A little house that fits in a boat!  Lady's Folly

The Lady Pirate's History  Pirate Court Documents

Links, what did ye think?  Other Ships to Board

  Had to do this one!  The Pirates' Wedding

Medieval Adventure  Glorious Days on the Gulf of Mexico

Island Adventures      Trip To St Lucia

Places to have a jolly good time    Taverns, Inns

Mother's Day for the Lady Pirate  Captiva

Many people have commented on this page   Tim Richmond

The new pirate   click here!

"Barometer Soup"
by the fine Mr. Jimmy Buffett

Ye be leavin' yer mark in the book or it's the lash for you!
Many have visited, few have dared to enter the Guestworld......
those who did not sign were made to walk the plank!

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Last updated Aug. 7, 2002

This page is property of Ed & Anita Pierce
Key West, Fl.