Placing an Ad

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Marriage Gayllery





How to Put Ad

Please copy and paste the following info, answering all the points, and compose an e-mail for your ad. Send your e-mail to  (Remember all the following details are necessary) -

  1. Your Gender

  2. Your Age

  3. Do you like to have sex with members of the same sex, opposite sex or both ? 

  4. How comfortable you are with your sexuality ?

  5. How open or 'closeted' are you regarding your sexuality ?

  6. Your Appearance 

  7. What role do you like to play in your same-sex affairs  ( i.e. that of a man or a woman ? )

  8. Your Religion

  9. Your Caste (if any)

  10. Your Occupation

  11. Your Nationality

  12. City of Residence

  13. Valid E-mail Address ( please give that e-mail ID which you check most often )

  14. How often you check this e-mail account and from where ?

  15. Your Hobbies / Interests

  16. How would you describe your Personality / Nature ?

  17. Do you have any friends of the opposite sex who have same-sex relationships ?

  18. Whether you smoke or drink

  19. Whether you wish to have children or not

  20. Whether you live alone or with your family

  21. Your family circumstances

  22. What are your dreams / ambitions for the future ? 

  23. Your reason for seeking a marriage-of-convenience with a MSM / WSW person ?

  24. Would you expect physical intimacy from your 'spouse' ?

  25. Whether you would be willing to financially support your 'spouse' and pay for his/her re-location, if need be ?

  26. The type of MSM / WSW person you are looking for a marriage-of-convenience to 

  27. Your expectations from the 'marriage' ? (for example, do you want a 'working' marriage or a marriage full of 'domestic bliss' )

  28. What roles do you expect your partner to fulfill in the 'marriage' ?

  29. What do you think will make such a marital arrangement work  ?

  30. How soon are you seeking a marriage-of-convenience ?



  1. Please note that incomplete ads will be rejected.

  2. If your ad is accepted for listing, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and when you acknowledge it, your ad will be put up.

  3. AMALG reserves the right to edit your ad for reasons of space and clarity.

  4. Each time your ad receives a reply, it will be forwarded to you minus the respondent's email address. If the reply interests you and you wish to communicate with the respondent further, you will have to pay a nominal fee for securing his/her e-mail address. 

  5. On receipt of the payment, the respondent's e-mail address will be forwarded to you.

  6. Payment is accepted by Bank Draft/ Demand Draft/ International Money Order etc.

  7. Your ad will stay in the Marriage Gayllery as long it continues to get an adequate response.

  8. Your confidentiality will be maintained. For full details please read Privacy Policy .


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