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Marriage Gayllery





How to Contact

To contact an advertiser, kindly note down the Serial no. of his/her ad. Then copy and paste the following info, answering all  the questions, and compose a suitable reply to his/her ad. E-mail your reply to  (Please remember all the following details are necessary) -


  1. The Serial no. of the ad you are replying to

  2. Your Gender

  3. Your Age

  4. Do you like to have sex with members of the same sex, opposite sex or both ? 

  5. How comfortable you are with your sexuality ?

  6. How open or 'closeted' are you regarding your sexuality ?

  7. Your Appearance ( i.e. manly/'butch' or effeminate/'femme' )

  8. What role do you like to play in your same-sex affairs (i.e. that of a man or a woman ? )

  9. Your Religion

  10. Your Caste (if any)

  11. Your Occupation

  12. Nationality

  13. City of Residence

  14. Valid E-mail Address ( please give that e-mail ID which you check most often )

  15. How often and from where do you check your e-mail ?

  16. Your Hobbies / Interests

  17. How would you describe your Personality / Nature ?

  18. Do you have any friends of the opposite sex who have same-sex relationships ?

  19. Whether you smoke or drink

  20. Whether you wish to have children or not

  21. Whether you live alone or with your family

  22. Your family circumstances

  23. Your financial circumstances

  24. What are your dreams and ambitions for the future ?

  25. Whether you would be willing to relocate to the advertiser's city, if need be ?

  26. Do you want physical intimacy from the advertiser ?

  27. Your reason for seeking a marriage-of-convenience with the advertiser ? 

  28. Your expectations from the 'marriage' ? (for example, do you expect it to be a 'working' marriage or a marriage full of 'domestic bliss') 

  29. What do you think will make such a 'marriage' work ?

  30. What roles do you see yourself as fulfilling in such a marital arrangement ?



  1. Please note that incomplete replies will be rejected.

  2. Replies for same-sex dating/friendship purpose will not be entertained.

  3. If your reply is accepted it will be forwarded to the advertiser free of cost, without disclosing your e-mail address, and will then receive a confirmation e-mail.

  4. If the advertiser chooses to contact you, then your e-mail ID will be forwarded to him/her.

  5. Please note that all information submitted by you will be kept completely confidential. For full details, please read the Privacy Policy


Please submit all questions and comments to