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173 --Wakare to Deai! Unmei no Hoshiboshi no Ryuuten

A farewell and an encounter! The destiny of flowing stars

· Victim-of-the-Day: Itsuki Alice [Sailor Pretty]

Major Plot Points:
· Three Lights introduced
· Chibi Usa gone
· Mamoru leaves
· Sailor Iron Mouse introduced (yea!)
· Sailor Starlights introduced
· Starseeds and phage appear for first time
· Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss used first time
· Star Serious Laser used for first time

The beginning of this introduces us to the music group the "Three Lights," Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten.  Soon we learn that Makoto, Rei, Minako, and even Ami are fans of them.  We also learn that Usagi is distraught because Mamoru is going to America to goto Harvard.  The inners discuss how Usagi must be lonely now because Chibi Usa is gone and Mamoru is leaving.  Later we see a scene with Usagi and Luna discussing Mamoru leaving.  Of course she says that she doesn't want him to go.

The next day, Mamoru is at the airport and Usagi shows up to say goodbye.  They have a tearful good-bye and Mamoru gives Usagi a ring.  At the same time this is going on, lots of girls are screaming nearby because the Three Lights are there.  As they escape the crowd, Seiya notices Usagi and gets a strange feeling.

Soon after, Usagi watches Mamoru leave on the plane.  Then we see a mysterious woman dressed in gold talking about needing starseeds to dominate the galaxies.  Two golden blasts leave from where she is and hit Mamoru's plane.  The scene switches to Yaten saying that another light of a star has disappeared.

Later, all the girls but Minako are at Crown Parlor talking.  They find out Usagi has a ring and start to tease her.  She doesn't understand what's going on and gets into a big nonsense fight with Rei.  Soon Minako bursts in and announces something is going on at the park.  They go and find out the Three Lights and the actress Itsuki Alice are recording a TV show.  They hop up and down in the crowd to try and see everything.  They finally give up hopping and push themselves infront of the crowd, except for Usagi, who can't get through. As she throws a fit, we see a certain woman with white hair, sunglasses, and a pinstripe suit.  She mentions that the actress has the good charm of a star.

Next we see Usagi trying to sneak into an area of trailers only for people involved in the show, so that she can see Itsuki Alice.   She's soon stopped by Seiya.  Usagi doesn't know that Seiya is one of the Three Lights and argues with him.  He recognizes Usagi from the airport, but she doesn't remember him.  When he leaves, she says angrily to Luna how rude he is.  Usagi soon decides to try to sneak in again, right around the same time the actors are taking a break between shots.  As Usagi looks around, she just misses seeing Itsuki Alice, who steps out of a trailer.  The wonderful white-haired woman from before approaches Alice and tells her how her personality is proof of a star.  Alice thanks her but says she can't give a signature.   The great white-haired woman says that she wants Alice's starseed.   She yell "Chuu!" and tears off her pinstripe suit, revealing a cool, white outfit that we should all be familiar with. ^_^ Usagi sees what's going on and transforms with "Moon Eternal, Make Up!"

Around the same time as the whole transformation thing is going on, a crystal thing (a starseed) pops out of Alice's head and turns black (meaning it's not the one the great white-haired woman was looking for).  Suddenly Sailor Moon shows up and introduces herself.  When she's done, the terrific white-haired woman makes a pseudo-surprised comment that Sailor Moon is a sailor senshi like herself, and that she couldn't be a star like herself.  Sailor Moon's surprised that this enemy is a sailor senshi.  The supreme white-haired senshi says she's Sailor Iron Mouse (well, aren't we all surprised? ^_^).   Iron Mouse asks if Sailor Moon wants to play with the phage, which is what a person who loses the brightness of their starseed turns into.  Alice all of a sudden transforms into another weird looking person and says she's Sailor Pretty.  Iron Mouse steps into a telephone booth, says "Bye!" and leaves the phage to take care of Sailor Moon.  Sailor Moon yells "Wait!" but it's too late.  Luna tells Sailor Moon to fight Sailor Pretty, but Sailor Moon doesn't want to because she's really Itsuki Alice.  Suddenly three people in very interesting leather costumes appear and announce themselves as the Sailor Starlights.  The first one introduces herself as Sailor Star Fighter, and looks exactly like Seiya.  The second one introduces herself as Sailor Star Maker, and looks exactly like Taiki.  The third introduces herself as Sailor Star Healer, and look exactly like Yaten.  Sailor Moon is extremely surprised that there are more sailor senshi.  Sailor Star Fighter then attacks Sailor Pretty with "Star Serious Laser!"  She's about to kill her off when Sailor Moon yells not to, because she's really Itsuki Alice.  Star Fighter yells that it's too late, and they start to yell at each other.  Suddenly, the crescent moon mark on Sailor Moon's forehead starts to shine.   Star Fighter is surprised by the light.  Sailor Moon's weapon, the Eternal Tier, appears before Sailor Moon.  She uses it to perform "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!"  Sailor Pretty is engulfed with feathers and returns back to normal.  The Starlights disappear from the scene.

The scene changes to later, with everyone packing up to leave.   Makoto and the others are walking, talking about how great it was.  Nearby, Usagi contemplates how the enemy and the ones who helped her were sailor senshi.  The others see her and ask her what's wrong.  Usagi is about to tell them, creating huge suspence, and then says she doesn't know.  Everyone starts to fight again like what happened before at Crown Parlor.


Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon SailorStars is (c)opyright Takeuchi Naoko, TOEI, and many others.

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