Recommended Reading

Books I have found useful recently. These books are all wonderfully illustrated and packed with all sorts of interesting facts. I will write a description of each when time allows.

How Was It Done? (The story of human ingenuity through the ages).
Various writers (1995)
Published by The Readers Digest Association Ltd, London
ISBN 0-276-42192-2


The Complete Book of British Birds
Various writers (1997)
Published by The Automobile Association, G Britain, and The RSPB, G Britain
ISBN 0-86145-663-7 (hardback) 0-7495-0911-2 (paperback)


Foods that Harm, Food that Heal
Various writers, foreward by Magnus Magnussen (1997)
Published by The Readers Digest Association Ltd, London
ISBN 0-276-421930


The Herb Society's HOME HERBAL
Penelope Ody (1995)
Published by Dorling Kindersley Ltd, G Britain
ISBN 0-7513-0166-3


Pocket Encyclopedia: Herbs
Contributing editor Lesley Bremness (1992)
Published by Dorling Kindersley Ltd, G Britain
ISBN 0-86318-436-7

You can buy these books over the internet at Amazon Online's Bookstore or at

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