Nate Grey isn't from around here. In fact, he's not even from this reality. Torn from his war ravaged home on an alternate time line, where he was created as the ultimate living weapon by Nathaniel Essex as a last defense against his former master, the despot Apocalypse, Nate is having difficulties fitting in to his new home. In his timeline, "survival of the fittest" was the only way to live...literally. In this world, for all its appearances, he is slowly finding out that things may not be much different, with threats such as Onslaught and Operation: Zero Tolerance. X-Man is the story of Nate's search for identity in a world that hates and fears him.......

Welcome to my tribute to one of the best superheroes of all time. For the unitiated, X-Man is a comic book published by Marvel Comics Group as a member of the "X-Men" line of comics. X-Man debuted in the Summer of 1995 under the direction of Jeph Loeb and Steve Skroce, during the Age of Apocalypse Crossover. Due to his popularity, Nate Grey made himself a new home in the current X-Universe after the story ended by means of the ancient, all-powerful M'Kraan Crystal - the nexus of all realities. The current creative team, as of November 1996, is Terry Kavanagh as writer with art by Roger Cruz.

Who is X-Man? What is X-Man all about? Read on and find out...but I highly suggest you visit your local comic book store and ask your retailer to point you towards a copy of X-MAN.





This page is not affiliated with Marvel Comics or Marvel Comic Group. The characters and images on this page are TM and copyright of Marvel Entertainment Group, and are used without Marvel's permission. Also if anyone has updated information on any of the Super heroes mentioned on my page please feel free to send the updates or any questions or comments to my E-mail address at: All graphics & Icons were taken from different web pages on the Internet or scanned in by different sources. I would like to thank anyone responsible for creating them because without them I wouldn't have been able to start up this page.