Encounters with the Unknown Main Page


As the twenty-first century dawns, astounding new visions of reality are stirring.

Dean Radin
The Conscious Universe

The Trumbull County Disturbance

The Three Objects

During the course of the evening there is a discussion between a dispatcher and an officer who is viewing three objects. As he watches the objects the officer comments that he can see planes entering his field of vision. There is speculation that the planes were scrambled from the Air Force base. The two men joke around about what the officer is witnessing and the night's events in general. Suddenly the officer has a tense moment when he is unsure if a particular light coming towards him is a plane or a UFO.

Segment About The Three Objects In RealAudio

Below is a transcript selection from the above clip. The forward speech is in black and the reversals are in red. The sound files contain the forward speech of the reversal then the reversal slowed down slightly if necessary for better understanding. The shorter clips are in both RealAudio and wave format.

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Dispatcher All right I talked to these guys. Everything's all right. They're going to go back there to where they came from.

... Did I see a top gunner?

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? Oh, well I can see 'em. Can you see anything?
Officer I got 'em right here. I'm looking at 'em

... Right here what I got.

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Dispatcher What the hell is it?
Officer Hold on a second. I gotta turn my lights on before I get rear ended.
Dispatcher Okay.
... (static)
Officer Well, I can see them from Warner Road. They're staying stationary. I got three of them.
Dispatcher Uh huh.
Officer One of them is over well there and then there's two kinda close together.
Dispatcher What do they look like?
Officer Well, I'd like to say they're just like flickering stars.

... off in your ghost. And they'll flicker at it ...

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Dispatcher Uh huh.
Officer Except I got four discernable colors.
Dispatcher Uh huh.
Officer I got red, yellow, green and blue... like glass so if they're those planets those guys were talking about.

... then helps avert it towards south ...

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Dispatcher Um.
Officer Then they're planets with Christmas lights on.
Dispatcher Can you see 'em?
Officer I can see 'em. Not like clear as day. I don't see any wings or anything.
Dispatcher Unreal ...
Officer That's what I mean I mean I can even -- without my binoculars I can see red, yellow, green and blue. ... They're way over there. They got to be over in Cortland.
Dispatcher Did you hear Cortland on the air?
Officer Yeah.
Dispatcher They think the UFOs'll come into Cortland.
Officer I can't believe it.
Dispatcher He's killin' me. So you're having a, like uh -- your having an experience?
Officer No because I can't take -- I mean the prob -- I mean they look. They're so far away they look like stars.

... Will they be a while closer? ...

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Dispatcher Um hum.
Officer They were just like teeny tiny --
Dispatcher Well the first calls we got from Liberty where they were like fifty feet above the ground.

... Hillary lower your boom. We'll fly you a long UFO.

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Officer Yeah well they could be on their way home.

Long you know we made disk flow away.

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Dispatcher All right. I think everyone else in this county should go home.
Officer Yeah, I'm about ready to. This is uh, this is weird. I had a beat on 'em from on the, from on the tower. They were clo -- they gotta be going away because they were closer than this.
Dispatcher Really?
Officer Now I'm lookin' at 'em. Oh my God!
Dispatcher What?
Officer ... and they're and they're not a plane cause here goes a plane. And I can see the plane and the plane is blinking red. And then the fact that there's another plane. I, I think.

... There they go. Jump on a nail. Who needs the guide?

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Dispatcher I think they're scrambling planes out of Satcom One to go check 'em out.
Officer Wait a minute.
Dispatcher What?
Officer Oh my God I hope that's a plane! (static) Oh Jesus Christ please be a plane! Oh please! I ain't ready for this shit. Hold on. (static) You little bitch, where did ya go? (static) It's a plane. Oh thank God. Well I get nervous when they're coming right at me. There's three planes up there. I tell you what they're flying from the Air Force base.

... All this shit is scaring ... the elf bogged down face you ... (static) The elf will sit. We'll get a gamble ...

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Dispatcher Really?
Officer Something's gotta be.
Dispatcher Really?
Officer Yeah, hold on. I'm going to have to get to ... again.

Heart snag a war. We make it cover my eye.

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Dispatcher Where are you?
Officer Right here.
Dispatcher Where are you?
Officer Warner Road south of uh Marlin Cape (?).
Dispatcher Oh really?
Officer Four up there. Now there's four planes.
Dispatcher Oh. Okay.
Officer ... No, I mean the other things are still there.

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