Playstation copy Tips Playstation copy Tips

The Playstation Copy-SITE

This page will help you to backup your personally owned Sony Playstation games!

Note: To backup software you must be the sole owner of the software you intend to backup. I will not claim any responsibility for any discs or damage that may occur, or any criminal activity that you may take part in. You do this at your own risk.

What you need?

1) A MODCHIP in your Playstation to play the finished game.
2) First of all you will need your Original (you can copy copyed games, too) you intend to backup.
3) A CD-Recorder
4) Recording Software

The Rules

Generally the Sony format is a CD-ROM/XA, use this format to record your new disk.
Use a "Disc at once" recording method.

Which Software do you Have (We recommend CDRWIN)?


Recorders that donīt support "Disk at once" recording, ie: Sony 926s and 928s

Nero 3.0


Before you copy any discs to the hard drive and burn any CD's, make sure you turn off any screen savers and programs running in the background, eg Anit virus, then run scandisk and defrag.

When copying some Sony Playstation disks, you may encounter a bad medium or error message at the end of the first DATA track during the copying phase, this is normal, just press OK and continue creating the image then record the disk. This is normal because there are bad data sectors at the end of the first data track which the CD-Recorder cannot copy. Depending on your recorder and software these sectors will be regenerated and corrected on the new disk. And if you haven't all ready guessed it, that's part of the copy protection the console looks for, and why you need a MOD CHIP to bypass this operation of searching for bad sectores on your new CD-Backed disk to check if it is valid or not.