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 Literature -

 [Filtered] poems by Josh


 Stupid Candy

 [avonlea] -poems by Anke


 Untitled by Diane




 Meet The Authors

the girl with the restless eyes

don't look me in the eye
i will only look away
because i know you can see everything
everything i feel (for you)
and my confusion
i cannot bear to look into your eyes
because i do not know who i am
and i might drown
i need time and peace
and peace and time
things you can't offer me

and i end everything
before it can begin
escaping every rejection
feeling nothing is so much easier
just please
don't look me in the eyes


I hold myself back
the way you taught me to
(never by words but by your own action)
I'm made of caged-in potential
of could be, would be

I can make myself so

if you congratulate me
then please do not tell anybody
or it will be
all my fault
don't make me guilty of succeeding

because i saw her eyes when she realized
i can do better than her ( i am sorry)
i saw the look in her eyes
i cannot take it

but i can make myself so small
i can make myself invisible
just for you.

better like this?


I used to be so petrified
of myself. The self that I thought
had yet to be revealed.
under my bare skin
Like my own hand
strangling me to death.
Until the day I could not go on
when there was nothing left to do
but strip down
to see that what I had believed to be my dreams
had only been illusions
and it was time
to start dreaming
