|visitors| |Issue 1| |Issue 2| |Issue 3| |Submit Yourself| |About The Caretaker| |Where Credit Is Due|

 Literature -

 [Filtered] poems by Josh


 Stupid Candy

 [avonlea] -poems by Anke


 Untitled by Diane




 Meet The Authors

Acknowledgements ©2001, Amy Ketchum


 Special thanks to all of the contributors. It took 3 years to gain enough submissions to create Issue 3 and it was very hard picking which ones would make the issue. You will see that the writing styles, once again, are very diverse. There are a couple of writers featured here who have written large amounts of literature over the past couple of years and it was exceptionally hard to choose between their writings. Thank you for allowing me to choose amongst all of your hard work and creativity!!



 All artwork is provided by myself. All photography is the property of Amy Ketchum and Sheri Fuqua.

 Quiver and the work contained herein may not be reproduced in whole or in part without  permission from the contributors.

Background image of faces is the property of Fronny Plume.

 Copyright © 2001
 All rights reserved.