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 Literature -

 [Filtered] poems by Josh


 Stupid Candy

 [avonlea] -poems by Anke


 Untitled by Diane




 Meet The Authors


And so walks my wild child
My golden-haired one
She walked on my heart and so imprinted my soul that I am moved to write
Me - who reads like a ravenous tiger and yet has never set pen to paper

I hear a verse in my mind
“She walks in beauty like the night...”
It reminds me of this golden one.
The one, dare I say my one, whose inner glow sets her way above the
world for me

I watch her inner-actions with friends, strangers and I grow envious
Why is my love so envious
Should I not marvel in this wonder and thank God he has allowed me to visit
with her for however long I am allowed?! No.

An aside (I left her but an hour ago and the cravings stir me to madness.)

I am a rational person
I am a conservative girl
Why am I now so ready to abandon life as I know it merely be close to this one
My golden child - my fair haired beauty

She is not mine
She is not anyone’s
To tame her would be to break the very spirit that I so love

But, I could do it
I have seen my hand at work, before

The mind is a terrible thing to waste
It is also a terrible thing to use

I tell myself - allow the beauty to shine through and appreciate it for what it is
One would call me open-minded and understanding
One would be fucking wrong

My golden child, my fair haired beauty
I long to break you
I long to crush your spirit
The very essence that draws me to you
I want to do it before it is done to me - for you are the one that will
make or break my fucking mind

As I write this I realize that I must show you my words
That you must be made aware of the viper that lives so close to you

I am the cat that steals your breath at night
What a coward - what a damned fool

(Ah yes, the coward
Don't be alarmed - she always wins
You won't be harmed)

There is no way to properly end such screwed up prose
My ending will have to be simply that I love you for the person that you
are and in so loving you also, hate you for being so god-damned strong

I want more
I can’t have more
I walk away

-Diane M. Daigle