Calender Of Events

Here are some of the events planned. Some on going events to be reminded about. Come out and get involved you may like it.

 03 October- RC 626 Antenna Raising: Come out and lend a hand, it could be fun and also a learning experience. Thanks I got it up myself.

 04 October- RC 1856 Antenna Raising: Any one not afraid of height's come on out and lend a hand, who knows some day you may need a crew to help you with your antenna. Fun was had by all that showed up. Robert thanks each and every one for the help. You helpers know who you are.

Feb 21- Radio Canada Glow bowling: All starts at the Dakota Bowling Alley from 14:00 hrs-16:00 hrs. Bring your own shoes if you have them. Price is $2.50 per game including shoes. Bring the whole family out and have a fun time

 Every Sunday- Check in's: Every Sunday the fun starts at 1930 hrs with the RCKC (Radio Canada Kids Club). At 2000 hrs the regular members may check in. This all happens on 27.385 Lsb (Lower side of channel 38)

Coming soon- Radio Canada/ MD BBQ: This will be happening in May some time date to be firmed up very soon so keep a free weekend open. The check in contest draw will happen at this time. Last years prizes were very nice, with the first prize being a Uniden PC122 Won by Marilyn RC 92 MTF

All Day Every Day- CQ,CQ,CQ, DX: The cycle has improved drastically and there are QSO's to be had. Be polite and courteous. Remember when QSLing keep the envelope callsign free.(It is illegal in some places to use the radio to talk DX)

By:Bob Winfield, Group Secretary

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