Welcome to Rattie's Nest

Hi! I'm Rattie. This is my pic (not the best pic, huh?) This was taken in October '97 at a friends wedding. (Seems like forever since then..) Well, I'm still new at this internet thing, only been on-line since January '98. This is my first homepage, so please bear with me. I'll be working on it for awhile. Below are some links to different pages that I browse often. Also to where I can be found chatting most evenings. Check back often for more info....

This is my honey, BillyBob. Its an older pic of him, but he is still as handsome. (If not more so, I think.) I am hoping to get more pics up on the page soon... still working on it. Billy and I will be married January 23, 1999. (See Wedding link below for more info.) Be Back Soon..

The Rat's Trail of Cheese Crumbs.....

BBW City Pages: This is where you can find me in BBWCityPark most evenings chatting.
BB & Rattie forever: Me and my honeys wedding pages... soon ...
Ratties Friend Page: GoTo Ratties Friendship page
Ratties Poetry Page: GoTo Ratties Poetry Page
Ratties Faith Poetry Page: Ratties Faith Poems
Ratties_Nest 2nd Poetry Page: Ratties 2nd Poetry Page
LadyTwos Home Pages: A friend of mines, LadyTwo (or L2 for short...which she is....)
Unsinkable's Pages: My Friend Unsinkabubble's pages..

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