When you're on the road of the straight and narrow obstacles block your path Much like a boulder in the middle of the way how do you deal with them? Do you go over? Do you go under? Do you go around? or Do you go through? When you try to go over things will always look good you're on top of the world until you lose sight of the road. When you try to go under you may seem to gain ground until you realize that you are weighed down. When you try to go around you think you've got it made after all, it seems the easiest way until you realize you were on the straight and narrow and you've fallen by the way. The Lord said He would see you through and He meant just what He said After all, it is "through" times of tribulation that He will care for you..
When we fall, as we sometimes will and it seems as if no one cares look to the Father, in Heaven above and He will be your guide. When all around you seems to be tumbling down get on your knees, don't look around There is only one who can help in times of grief and he is not to be found on the street. When all seems hopeless, despair unknown, call to Him to guide you home Those of Earth will bring no hope unless they lead you back to His throne. The father is loving, patient and kind He won't leave you hanging, with things on your mind the answers you seek come down from above search for them there and you won't be left weak. He will strengthen and guide you with loving care...
You ask me what God's love is like? I still don't know all He wants me to, but I can tell you what I know. You can look at the sky on any given day and sense the depths of His emotions in its display. On clear spring days without warning a shower could appear just as His tears when He sees His children in agony to wash away grief and anger and fear. On warm summer days without clouds in the sky it's like His love when He sent His son to die Pure unblemished love that nothing could marr ours for the asking if we but look up. On hot autumn days thunderstorms rise much like His temper when His children go astray storms and winds and hail from above beat down relentlessly until we cry mercy is ours if we just go home inside His house you're safe from the storm. On cold winter days the skys are all white just like the love continued through night Heaven is white from all that I hear so that is His promise for all that would hear. Seek God's love from Heaven on high and forever after you'll have nothing to fear...
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