Emergency Management Hazard Specific Sites

This list is under construction. Date of last update is 6 April 2000.

Hazard Site Links

General Disaster Charcteristics, History, and Current Events
links to sites that provide information on multiple types of disasters or that focus on current disaster events
Hazards - Earthquakes
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Volcanoes
Hazards - Tsunami
research and operational sites with information on current and historic seismically generated sea waves and their impacts
Hazards - Hurricanes and Typhoons
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Tornadoes
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Flooding
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Avalanches
includes sites with avalanche historical data and current reports of snow conditions and avalanche hazard
Hazards - Slides, Slips, and Soil Movement:
includes sites describing earth and rock landslide, landslip, and soil movement events (snow slides are covered under the Hazards - Avalanche page)
Hazards - Wildland Fires
sites that provide information on current and past wildland fires and on wildland firefighting organization and resources
Hazards - Asteroids and Comets:
includes sites summarizing potential threats posed to earth by asteroids, comets, and other space based events
Hazards - Infrastructure Failure: Bridge Collapse
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Infrastructure Failure: Dam Breach
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Infrastructure Failure: Nuclear Power Plants
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Hazardous Materials:
operational and reference sites
Hazards - Terrorism
Hazards - Nuclear Attack and Weapons of Mass Destruction:
information on characteristics of nuclear attacks, technical characteristics of weapons of mass destruction, the design and effectiveness of defenses, and Civil Defense programs and organizations
Hazards - Mass Extinctions:
provides a variety of theoretical approaches to mass extinctions of species in Earth's history along with supporting arguments
Transportation Accidents: Aviation
reference sites on aviation accidents and disasters, including general aviation safety, specific accidents, specific aircraft, and conspiracy theories on air disasters
Transportation Accidents: Maritime
reference sites including databases on maritime accidents and specific informtaion on the history and present condition of a variety of shipwrecks
Transportation Accidents: Railroad
reference sites including extensive images, descriptions of individual incidents, and databases of railway accidents
Transportation Accidents: Pipeline
operational and reference sites
Outcomes - Refugees:
return to BENCHMARK front page


Links on this page are checked at least quarterly. However, I have found that even governmental links change frequently. If you locate an address for an agency that does not have one, or if you find an error, please e-mail the contact address below.


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