The Albert

This should come as a shock to long-time visitors to this site, yes it's no longer the Royal Unicorn. "And why not?" I hear you cry, because they're pulling it down to build a shopping complex. As a result of this we've had to all move somewhere, so we went here. It's not that it's the best pub around, but it's okay, and it's where the landlord of our up until recent haunt went, so we went too.

Guild Departments

Reception: Hey, does this look familiar to you? Yeah I think we've been here before.
Disclaimer: I don't care what you say we did, coz' I was drunk, so it does'nt count!
Guild Rules: Nah, stuff 'em!
Guild Armoury: Don't worry, my aim gets better after a little drinky.
Rules Options: has aneebody elz reulized how har d it is to tipe wen yoor pizzed?
Current Members: If you're looking for them why are you leaving?
Previous Games: There was drinking before all of them too. And after, during, while we were thinking of doing them, when we first thought of the Guild, at the...

Huddersfield Guild of Assassins

Official Guild Coctails


1 shot Advocar
1 shot Blue Caraco (have I spelt that right?)
1 shot Gin
2 shots Archers
2 shots Vodka
Top up to pint with cider


Wurble! I defy anyone to drink more than three without falling over.


1 shot Advocar
1 shot Blue Caraco
1 shot Gin
2 shots Archers
2 shots Vodka
Top up to a pint with Red Bull


Need I say more. If you can't guess where the name comes from then I suggest you try a few pints.

Psycho Juice

2 cans Red Bull
2 cans Lucozade Sport
1 can Classic Cola


Okay, so its not alcoholic, but it'll keep you awake for those late at night tactical strikes.