Previous Games

Some of the highlights from previous games. For those that don't know, the Michaelmas term is the winter term, Hilary is from New-year to Easter and Trinity is an RPG by White Wolf (and the summer term).

Guild Departments

Reception: -How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,
Disclaimer: if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Guild Rules: -Ah, but if a woodchuck could chuck wood,
Guild Armoury: would a woodchuck chuck wood?
Rules Options: -Alright, if a woodchuck could chuck and would cuck wood,
Current Members: how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
The Royal Unicorn: -About four kilos.

Huddersfield Guild of Assassins

Hilary Term '98.
Game 1.
Standard rules.
Highlights include:
 John attempting do kill Derick and Dave at home, the resulting
explosion destroying the entire block of houses. This earned him so
many negative points that the average score at this point was about
-3. It also earned him general contempt for gassing Smokie, the cat,
in the attempt.
 Due to sid-bet which had the first to die buying a drink for the
winner and the rules for reincarnating into the police force, Tom ends
up having to buy himself a pint. The points, needless to say came from
John's bounty, which had recently been upped for more innocent deaths
(including my own).
 Then there was Will. Waiting for your target to finish work is fine,
but standind in the shadows in the town centre at one in the morning,
wearing a balaclava and carrying a suspicious-looking package. He
should really have expected the police to have been called.
 He also left about two dozen booby traps in John's bedroom having let
himself in. Unfortunately none went of until a couple of hours after
the game ended. Still, better luck next time.