  Trade page I
  Trade page II
  Fabu Tribune

DISCLAIMER: This is a fan-created page and isn't in any way affiliated with LEGO®. LEGO® and FABULAND® are trademarks of LEGO A/S. Also look at the official LEGO® page: www.LEGO.com

This picture was shot in approximately 1992 and contains all my sets at that moment

Part of the sets I aquired after 1994

Same sets, but viewed from a different angle


Hi, welcome to my trade office. My job is to get building materials so that FabuCity can grow. To obtain these we will inventory and acquire trading materials. So, if you have some Fabuland sets or pieces, click here or on the picture to see what's on our trade list

The FabuCity Tribune

Hi, I'm Patrick Parrot. I'm the photographer and editor of The FabuCity Tribune. Our newspaper is now also online .

The FabuCity Map

A =  140 Town hall 
B =      Taxi Station 
C*=      Cottage 
D =      None (part of hospital) 
E =  137 Hospital
F*= 3665 Ice cream shop  
G*=      Service Station
H = 3667 Bakery 
I*= 3678 Mill with shop 
K*= 3669 Police and firestation 
L*= 3670 Service station 
M*= 3645 School 
N = 3672 Hotel Restaurant 
O*= 3646 Kitchen 
P = 3682 Fire Station 
Q*= 3664 Police Station 
R = 3678 Mayors House 
S*= 3647 School 
T*= 3675 General Store 
U = 3654 Country Cottage 
V = 3674 Bonnie Bunnies House
W*= 3666 Gas station 
X*= 3671 Airport 
Y*= 3660 Fishermans House 
1*= 3659 Playground 
2 = 3663 Playground 
3 = 3668 Merry-go-round and 3676 Playground 
4 = 3681 Amusement Park 
5*= 3683 Amusement Park 
The red blocks in the upper left corner of the map are reserved for own creations 
Comments? Contact me sybrandbonsma@hotmail.com

This page was made by Sybrand Bonsma. Last revision: Februari 24, 2001 Copyright Sybrand Bonsma