Set inventory
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  Parts inventory
  Parts inventory with pics
  Parts guide

On this page you can find the inventory of almost all FABULAND ® sets. The figures and other contents in each sets are put down here. Please notice that most of the contents of these sets are derived from looking at pictures of them (indicated by FP after the name of the set) and therefore this list will not be completely correct. I would like to thank Benjamin Whytcross for giving me the exact inventories of a number of sets that weren't complete yet.
Because English isn't my native language it is possible to I made some errors when naming pieces. If you are confused what piece is meant, you can alsways contact me and I will try to help you out. Also, if you have comments or additional information please let me know.
Sometimes 'car' or 'building' is shown without a number in front. This means that the following parts are part of the car or the building, which makes finding them at a picture easier.

There is also a list available with all different characters and the sets they appear in. This list can be found here

Mail: Sybrand Bonsma

Count   Part#   part                    color

Set: 121 (328) - Roadster FP
Total Pieces: 18
1               Figure: Mouse, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs
1               Car chassis (large)     red
1               Car door left           blue
1               Car door right          blue
1               Front window (round)    yellow
4       3001    2x4 brick               yellow
5       3001    2x4 brick               blue
1       3003    2x2 brick               blue
1       3004    1x2 brick               yellow
1               1x4 brick               blue
1               4x6 plate               yellow

Set: 128 (338) - Taxi station 
Total Pieces: 33
1               Figure: Pig, natural head, red body arms, blue legs (Patrick Pig)
1               Tree                    green   
1               Car chassis (large)     red
1               Car door left           yellow
1               Car door right          yellow  
1               Front window round      yellow
2               2x6x5 bricks with
                door and 'taxi print'   yellow
1               Garage with yellow
                doors and windows       blue
12      3003    2x2 brick               yellow
2       3002    2x3 brick               yellow
6       3001    2x4 brick               yellow
2       3004    1x2 brick               yellow
1               4x4 plate               yellow
1               4x8 plate               red

Set: 132 (341) - Cottage
Total Pieces: 107 or 108
1               Figure: Cat, white head/body, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Mouse, Gray head, blue body, black arms/legs
1               Tree                    green
1               Stairs                  red
1               Brush (small)           brown
1               Shovel (small)          grey
1               Parasol                 blue
1               Parasol standard        blue
1               House with red windows  yellow
2               Cupboard (red windows)  yellow
3               1x4 fence               blue
5               1x2 brick               blue
18              1x2 brick               red
2               1x6 brick               red
4               1x4 brick               red
7 or 8          2x2 brick               red
32              2x2 brick               yellow
6               2x2 brick               blue
2               2x3 brick               red
3               2x3 brick               yellow
13              2x4 brick               blue
3               2x4 brick               yellow
2               1x4 plate               red
1               4x8 plate               red
1               4x10 plate              yellow
1               6x10 plate              yellow

Set: 134 (344) - Service station FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Monkey, red head, yellow body, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Goat, gray head, blue body, yellow legs/arms
1               Tree                    green
1               Brush (small)           brown
1               Fork wrench             black
2               prints
6               2x3 bricks              yellow
1               4x10 plate              blue
1               Car chassis (large)     blue
1               Front window round      yellow
1               Car door left           red
1               Car door right          red
1               Tow hook                red
3               2x4 brick               yellow
1               2x4 brick with print    yellow
3               2x4 brick               blue
1               2x3 brick               yellow
1               1x2 brick               yellow
2               1x4 brick               yellow
1               4x6 plate               blue
1               House with yellow 
                  door and windows      blue
1               Garage with yellow 
                  doors                 red
1               Print "service station"
3               6x1 bricks              red
2               1x4 bricks              blue
??              miscallencious blue and yellow bricks for top

Set: 137 (347) - Hospital FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, yellow body (Lucy Lamb)
1               Figure: Cat, orange head, red body, yellow arms/legs (Charlie Cat)
1               Figure: Dog, grey head, white body/arms, black legs (Docter Dog)
1               Tree                    green
1               Stairs                  yellow
1               Car chassis (large)     blue
1               Car door left           white
1               Car door right          white
1               Front window round      yellow
2               2x6x5 brick with door 
                and print red cross     white
??              Divers bricks   
1               House with white        
                  door/windows          red
1               Garage with white 
                  doors/windows         red
3 or 4          Cupboard with white 
                  windows               red
1               Parasol stick           red
1               Parasol                 red
??              Divers bricks           red, yellow, blue

Set: 140 (350) - Town Hall FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Bulldog, red cap, brown head, blue body/arms
1               Figure: Fox, orange head, black body, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Lion, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs
1               Tree                    green
1               Stairs                  red
1               Car chassis (large)     yellow
1               Car door left           blue
1               Car door right          blue
1               Front window round      yellow
2               2x6x5 bricks with door 
                  and print police      blue
??              Divers bricks
1               Car chassis (large)     black
1               Car door left           red
1               Car door right          red
1               Front window round      yellow
1               Fire stairs             red/yellow
??              Divers bricks   
1               Garage with red doors 
                  and blue windows      yellow
1               House with blue 
                  door/windows          yellow
5 or 6          Cupboard with 
                  blue windows          yellow
1               Parasol standard        blue
1               Parasol                 blue
??              Divers bricks

Set: 324 (3605) - Ricky Raccoon and his scooter
Total Pieces: 2
1               Figure: Raccon, brown/black head, black body, yellow arms, blue legs
1               Scooter                 red

Set: 325 (3615) - Percy Pib
Total Pieces: 4
1               Figure: Pig, natural head, blue body, yellow arms/legs
1               Wheelbarrow with 
                  1 black wheel         red
1               Brush (small)           brown
1               Shovel (small)          grey

Set: 329 - Bear and Pickup Truck
Total Pieces: 23        
1               Figure: Bear, brown head, blue body/arms, red legs
1               Car chassis (large)     yellow
1               Car door left           red
1               Car door right          red
1               Front window round      yellow
1               1x2 brick               yellow
2               1x4 brick               red
5               1x4 brick               black
2               1x6 brick               red
1               2x2 brick               red
2               2x2 brick               yellow
1               2x3 brick               red
1               2x3 brick               yellow
1               4x4 plate               yellow
1               4x6 plate               red
1               6x8 plate               black

Set: 3601 - Elton Elephant
Total Pieces: 7
1               Figure: Elephant, grey head/legs, red body/arms (Edward Elephant)
1               Chair                   dark brown
1               Table                   dark brown
2               Coffeemug               yellow
1               Umbrella stick          yellow
1               Umbrella                yellow

Set: 3602 - Bianca Lamb and Stroller
Total Pieces: 4
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, green body
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
1               Stroller with 
                  red wheels            yellow

Set: 3603 - Boris Bulldog and Mailbox
Total Pieces: 4
1               Figure: Bulldog: blue cap/arms/body, white head, yellow legs
1               4x4x4 Mailbox           blue
1               4x4x2 Mailbox top       blue
1               2x2 tile with 
                  letter print          white

Set: 3604 - Marc Monkey and Wheelbarrow FP
Total Pieces: 4
1               Figure: Monkey, orange head, blue body, red arms/legs
1               Wheelbarrow with        green 
                  yellow wheels
1               Umbrella stick          yellow
1               Umbrella                yellow

Set: 3622 - Rowing Boat FP
Total Pieces: 11?
1               Figure: Hippo, grey head, yellow body with necklace print, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Lion, white cap, orange head, black body/arms, yellow legs
1               Boat                    red
2               Peddle                  yellow
2               Coffeemug               yellow
1               Umbrella stick          yellow
1               Umbrella                yellow
1               Bank size 6x2 not sure  white
1               6x2 plate not sure      white

Set: 3623 - Beauty Shop FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Cat, white head, white body with bow tie print, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, red body
1               8x16 baseplate          grey
2               Chair                   red
1               2x3x2 cabinet           yellow
2               drawer                  blue
1               hair brush              dark brown
1               1x3 brick with cash 
                  register print        red
1               2x3 brick               red
3               1x6 brick               yellow
??              Divers bricks 
                  size 2x6x2            yellow
1               2x6 plate               red
1               1x1x1 round             blue
1               Washbasin with red tap  white
1               Hairdryer               yellow/blue 

Set: 3625 (3630) - Airplane FP
Total Pieces: 9
1               Figure: Crow, red cap, white/yellow head, red body, white arms, yellow legs
1               Airplane body           red
1               Wings                   red
1               Motorblock              red
1               Front window round 
                  (large)               red
1               Airplane tail           red
1               4x4 seat box            red
1               Exhaust left            yellow
1               Exhaust right           yellow

Set: 3626 - Raccoon Car FP
Total Pieces: 17
1               Figure: Raccoon, brown/black head, red body/arms, black legs
1               Jerrycan                blue
1               Adjustable pliers ??    blue
1               Stick                   black
1               Car chassis (large)     yellow
1               Front window round 
                  (large)               yellow
1               Echaust left            red
1               Exhaust right           red
1               4x4 seat-box            yellow
1               1x4 brick               yellow
6               1x4x2 bellshaped brick  yellow
1               1x4x2 bellshaped brick 
                  with headlights       red
Set: 3627 - Bonnie Bunny FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body, yellow arms/legs
1               Car chassis (large)     red
1               Front window round 
                  (large)               blue
1               Watering can            red
1               6x6x1 square box        yellow
1               4x4 seat box            blue
1               1x4x2 bellshaped brick  yellow
1               1x4x2 bellshaped brick 
                  with headlights       yellow
2               1x6 (maybe 1x4) brick   blue
??              Flowers (4 green base parts, 
                  flower pieces 4 red, 2 yellow, 5 white)       

Set: 3628 - Andy Panda & Chester Chimp FP
Total Pieces: 5
1               Figure: Monkey, orange head, green body, yellow arms, black legs
1               Figure: Panda, black/white head, black body, white arms/legs
1               Tricycle (1 wheel front, 
                  two wheels back)      red
1               Brush (small)           brown
1               Ladder                  yellow

Set: 3629 - Barney Bear FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Bear, brown head, red body, yellow arms, black legs
1               Fork wrench             black
1               Car chassis (large)     black
1               Car door left           red
1               Car door right          red
1               Front window squared    yellow
1               Car roof (curved)       yellow
1               1x4x2 bellshaped brick 
                  with headlight print  blue
1               2x2 brick               blue
1               2x4 brick               blue
1               2x4 brick               yellow
??              Divers bricks           yellow, red

Set: 3631 - Orchestra FP
Total Pieces: 30
1               Figure: Monkey, orange head, red body/arms, white legs
1               Figure: Pig, natural head, red body/arms, white legs
1               Tuba                    yellow
1               Drum                    white
2               Drum sticks             yellow
1               8x16 baseplate          green
2               Stick                   black
1               Flag                    yellow
1               Flag                    red
4               1x2 brick               yellow
6               1x2 brick               blue
2               1x3 brick               yellow
1               1x8 brick               blue    
1               4x8 plate               blue
2               1x4x1 fence piece       yellow
2               1x1x1 round             red
1               2x2 tile with 
                  music print           white
Set: 3633 - Motor Boat FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Walrus, blue cap/body/arms, brown head, red legs
1               Boat                    yellow
1               Steering helm           red
1               Stick                   black
1               Flag                    yellow
1               Front window square
                  (large)               blue
1               Mailbox lid             blue    
1               2x4 plate               blue
??              Bricks under lid 

Set: 3634 - Charlie Crow's Carry-All
Total Pieces: 18
1               Figure: Crow, yellow/black head, black body/arms, yelllow legs
1               Trashcan                green
1               Trashcan lid            green
1               Shovel (small)          grey
1               Brush (small)           brown
1               Car chassis (large)     black
1               Car door left           yellow
1               Car door right          yellow
1               Front window square     yellow
1               Roof solid              red
1               6x6x1 square box        yellow
1               1x4x2 piece with        yellow 
                  headlight print
2               1x4 bricks              yellow
2               1x6 bricks              yellow
2               2x2 bricks              yellow

Set: 3635 - Bonnie Bunny's Camper FP
Total Pieces: 19 or 20
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body, yellow arms/legs
1               Car chassis (large)     blue
1               Car door left           blue
1               Car door right          blue
1               Front window square
                  (small)               yellow
1               Car roof (curved)       blue
2               2x6x5 bricks 
                  white doors           yellow
1               Chest lid (4x6x2)       brown
1               Chest (size 4x6)        brown
2 or 3          1x4 bricks              blue
2               2x4 bricks              red
2               4x6 plate               red
1               Flower set              white
1               Flower set              yellow
1               Flower set              red

Set: 3636 - (Lucy Lamb's) Bedroom FP
Total Pieces:  ??
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, yellow body
1               8x16 baseplate          green
1               Bed                     red
1               Chair                   red
1               Brush                   brown
1               Cupboard with 
                  red window            yellow
??              closets                 blue            
1               Cupboard                yellow
1               Coffeemug               blue
1               2x2 tile with 
                  alarm clock print     white
6               1x4 bricks              yellow
3               1x6 bricks              yellow
1               4x6 plate               yellow
1               Sticker mirror
1               Flower (new model)      red

Set: 3637 - Boat Truck (Painter Car) FP
Total Pieces: 14
1               Figure: Goat, white head/body/arms/legs
1               Paint brush             brown
1               Paint brush             white
1               Ladder                  black
1               Tub                     yellow
1               Car chassis (large)     red
1               4x4 seat box            yellow
1               Front window round
                 (large)                yellow
1               1x4x2 bellshaped brick  yellow
1               1x4x2 bellshaped brick
                  with headlights       yellow
1               Car roof with flipable 
                  red roof              yellow
1               6x6x1 box               white
2               1x4 brick               yellow

Set: 3638 - Bernie Bulldog FP
Total Pieces: 16
1               Figure: Bulldog, red cap/body/arms, white head, black legs
1               Car chassis (large)     red
1               Front window round
                  (large)               red
1               4x4 seat box            red
1               Fire Ladder piece 
                  with yellow ladder    red 
2               Axe                     black
1               Pickaxe                 black
3               1x4x2 bellshaped brick  red
1               1x4x2 bellshaped brick 
                  with headlights       yellow
4               2x4 bricks              red

Set: 3639 (3643) - Police Car FP
Total Pieces: 11
1               Figure: Bulldog, black cap, white head, blue body/arms, black legs
1               Figure: Crocodile, green head/legs, black body/arms
1               Walkie-talkie           black
1               Car chassis (large)     black
1               Front window round
                  (large)               blue
1               4x4 seat box            blue
2               2x6x5 pieces with 
                  yellow prison doors   blue
1               6x6x1 box               blue
1               stick                   black
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece 
                  with headlights       yellow

Set: 3641 - Camper FP
Total Pieces: 21
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, red body
2               Car chassis (small)     yellow
1               Front window round
                  (large)               red
2               Front window squared 
                  (large)               yellow
1               Car roof with 
                  flipable red roof     red
1               Jar                     red
1               Coffeemug               blue
1               Pan                     black
4               1x2 brick               yellow
2               2x4 plate               yellow
1               4x4 seat box            red
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece  yellow
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece 
                  with headlights       yellow
1               6x6x1 box               red
1               Flower                  white

Set: 3644 - Limousine FP
Total Pieces: 11
1               Figure: Lion, brown head, black arms/body (with chain print), yellow legs
1               Figure: Monkey, brown head, grey cap/arms/body, black legs
1               Car chassis (large)     black
1               1x4x2 Piece bellshaped 
                  with headlights       yellow
1               1x4x2 Piece bellshaped  black
1               Seat box                black
1               Seat box                yellow
1               Front window round
                  (large)               yellow
1               Car roof with flipable
                  red roof              yellow
1               Stick                   black
1               Flag                    blue

Set: 3645 - Classroom FP
Total Pieces: 26
1               Figure: Lion, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs
1               Figure: Rabbit, beige head, white body, yellow arms/legs
1               Figure: Crocodile, green head/legs, black body/arms
2               Chair                   red
1               Stick                   grey
2               Drawers                 red
1               2x3x2 Cabinet           yellow
1               8x16 baseplate          green
3               1x6 bricks              black
4               1x4 bricks              yellow
2               1x2 bricks              yellow
2               2x2 bricks              yellow
2               2x4 plate               yellow
1               2x8 plate               red
1               2x2 tile with print     white
1               Print blackboard (0x6x3)

Set: 3646 - Catherina Cat's Kitchen FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Cat, white head, white body with bow tie print, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Walrus, blue cap/body/arms, red legs
2               6x12 plate              green
2               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
2               Coffeemug               blue
1               Washbasin with red tap  white
5               Drawers                 red
2               2x3x2 closet            yellow
1               Soupspoon               yellow
1               Pan                     black
1               Cauldron                blue
1               Refrigerator            white
4               1x4 brick               yellow
3               1x4 brick               black
1               sloped piece 3x4x1      black
4               1x1x1 round             white
1               2x3 plate               red
1               4x8 plate               red
2               2x2 tiles with 
                  black spot            white
5               2x2 tiles with food 
                prints: eggs, milk, 
                corn, lettuce, 
                strawberry              white
??              Divers yellow 1xX bricks
??              Divers white 1xX tiles

Set: 3647 - Classroom FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Lion, orange head, black body/arms, yellow legs
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body, yellow arms/legs
1               Figure: Crocodile, green head/legs, black body/arms
1               16x16 Baseplate         green
1               Cupboard with 
                  blue window           yellow
2               Roofparts with red roof yellow
2               Chair                   red
1               Coffeemug               yellow
2               2x4 plate               blue
2               2x6 plate               blue
3               2x2 Tiles with print    white
1               Stick                   black
1               Flower (new type)       red
??              Divers 1xX and 2xX yellow bricks

Set: 3654 - Country Cottage FP
Total Pieces: 25
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, blue body
1               16x24 baseplate         green
2               Cupboard with 
                  red window            yellow
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
3               Roof part with 
                  green roof            yellow
1               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
1               Coffeemug               blue
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
1               Rake                    black
2               Flowers                 yellow
2               Flowers                 white
2               Flowers                 red
1               1x4 fence               red
3               2x2 brick               yellow
1               2x4 brick               yellow

Set: 3659 - Playground FP
Total Pieces: 18
1               Figure: Mouse, brown head, red body/arms, yellow legs
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body with necklace print, yellow arms/legs
1               16x24 Baseplate         green
1               Tree with apple prints  green
2               1x6x2 fences (rounded)  beige
1               Flower (new type)       white
1               Bank                    white
1               Small Four seat 
                  merry-go-round        red
1               Swings                  yellow/red
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
6               2x2 Tiles with number 
                  prints (1,2,3,4,5,6)  white

Set: 3660 - Fisherman's Cottage FP
Total Pieces: 23
1               Figure: Elephant, yellow cap/body/arms, grey head, black legs
1               16x16 baseplate         green
2               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        red
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           red
4               Roof parts with 
                  green roof            red
1               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
1               Fishing rod             dark brown
1               Coffeemug               blue
1               Rowing boat             red
2               Oar                     beige
1               10x4 plate              yellow
4               1x2 bricks              yellow
1               1x4x1 fence             red
1               Flowers                 white

Set: 3662 - Double Decker Bus FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Hippo, grey head, yellow body with necklace print, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Monkey, black cap, orange head, white body with blue tie print, white arms, black legs
1               Bank                    white
1               Lamppost                grey
1               Signboard               grey
1               Car chassis (large)     black

1               Stairs curved           yellow
2               Chair                   red
1               1x6x1 Arche             red
1               6x14 plate              red
2               stick                   black
2               Flag                    yellow
1               1x2 brick               red
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece 
                  with print            red
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece 
                  with headlights       red
4               1x6x2 fences rounded    red
1               Front window squared
                  (large)               black
??              Large red bus piece ??

Set: 3663 - Merry Go Round FP
Total Pieces: 20
1               Figure: Lamb (not sure) white head/arms/legs, yellow body
1               Figure: Mouse, brown head, red body/arms, yellow legs
1               16x24 baseplate         green
1               Scooter                 blue
1               Tub                     yellow
1               Chair                   red
1               4x4x2 seat box          blue
1               Merry-go-round 
                  with red roof         yellow
1               Umbrella stick          yellow
1               Umbrella                yellow
3               1x6x2 fences rounded    white
1               Bank                    red
1               4x4 plate               blue
1               4x4 plate               red
1               4x4 plate               yellow
1               4x4 plate               unknown 
1               Flower (new type)       red
1               Flower (new type)       green

Set: 3664 - Police Station 
Total Pieces: 59
1               Figure: Bulldog, black cap, brown head, blue body/arms, black legs
1               Figure: Bulldog, black cap, white head, blue body/arms, black legs
1               16x24 baseplate         green
1               Scooter                 blue
1               Saddlebags              white
1               Telephone               red
1               Chair                   brown
1               Walkie-talkie           black
1               Signboard (small)       red
1               2x2 tile with 
                  raccoon print         white
1               2x2 tile with 
                  crocodile print       white
2               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        blue
2               Cupboard with 
                  yellow jail bars      blue
1               Roof part with red roof blue
5               1x2 brick               red
6               1x2 brick               blue
6               1x4 brick               red             
18              2x2 brick               blue
4               2x4 brick               red
1               2x6 plate               blue
1               4x6 plate               yellow
2               4x10 plate              blue
Set: 3665 - Ice Cream Shoppe
Total Pieces: 37
1               Figure: Cow, red head, blue body, white arms/legs
1               Figure: Horse, grey head, black body, red arms/legs
2               Coffeemug               blue
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
1               Tricycle (2 wheels 
                  front, 1 wheel back)  yellow
3               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        red
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           red
2               1x2 brick               yellow
3               1x6 brick               blue
2               2x2 brick               red     
2               2x2 brick               yellow
12              2x3 brick               yellow
2               2x4 brick               red
1               4x4 plate               yellow
2               6x16 plate              red

Set: 3666 - Gas Station
Total Pieces: 31
1               Figure: Mouse, grey head, blue body, black arms/legs (Mortimer Mouse)
1               Figure: Bear, black head/arms/legs, white body (Billy Bear)
1               16x24 baseplate         green
1               Tricycle (1 wheel front,
                   2 wheels back)       red
1               Tow hook                yellow
1	 Tow hook base      yellow
1               Brush                   brown
1               Fork wrench             grey
1               Adjustable-joint pliers grey
2               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        blue
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           blue
3               Roofpart with red roof  blue
1               Roofpart with red roof 
                  with hole             blue
1               Chimney                 blue
1               6x10 plate              blue
1               2x2 brick               yellow
8               2x3 brick               yellow
2               2x4 brick               yellow
2               pump prints 

Set: 3667 - Bakery Shop 
Total Pieces: 57
1               Figure: Pig, natural head, yellow body, red arms/legs (Patricia Piglet)
1               Figure: Fox, orange head, black body, red arms/legs (Freddy Fox)
1               16x24 baseplate         green
3               Cupboard with 
                  red windows           yellow
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
2               Roof part with
                  green roof            yellow
3               Roof part with
                  red roof              yellow
1               Roof part with red roof 
                  and hole              yellow
1               Chimney                 blue
1               Parasol standard        blue
1               Parasol                 blue
1               Brush (large)           grey
1               Shovel (large)          brown
1               Stroller with 
                  yellow wheels         red
5               Bread                   beige
1               Chest (lower part)      brown
6               1x2 brick               red
4               2x2 brick               yellow
14              2x3 brick               yellow
1               2x4 brick               yellow
2               2x6 plate               red
1               4x6 plate               red
1               6x10 plate              yellow
1               6x16 plate              yellow
1               Flowers                 yellow
1               Flowers                 white

Set: 3668 - Merry Go Round FP
Total Pieces: 43
1               Figure: Elephant, grey head/legs, red body/arms (Edward Elephant)
1               Figure: Raccoon, brown head, red body with black print, red arms, black legs (Ricky Raccoon)
1               Figure: Mouse, brown head, red body with '8' print, red arms, yellow legs (Max Mouse)
1               16x32 baseplate         green
1               Merry-go-round 
                        base/mast            yellow
1               Merry-go-round 
                        platform            yellow
1               Merry-go-round 
                        roof            red
3               Merry-go-round 
                        seats            blue
3               Merry-go-round 
                        seat holders     blue
1               Cupboard with
                  red window            yellow
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
1               Large cupboard with 
                  large blue window     yellow
2               Roof parts with 
                  green roof            yellow
1               Chair                   brown
2               1x2 brick               yellow
1               1x2 brick               blue
1               1x3 brick with 
                  cash register print   red
1               1x4 brick               yellow
1               1x6 brick               red
2               2x3 brick               red
3               2x4 brick               yellow
2               4x10 plate             yellow
1               2x2 tile with 5 print   white
                     yellow/red print 
2               2x2 tile with 5 print   white
                     orange/green print
2               Stick                   black
2               Flag                    blue
1               Flowers                 yellow
1               Flowers                 red
2	 1x4 fence                red

Set: 3669 - Fire & Police Station FP
Total Pieces: 28
1               Figure: Bulldog, brown head, red cap/body/arms, yellow legs
1               Figure: Bulldog, brown head, black cap/legs, blue body/arms
1               Figure: Raccoon, brown/black head, white body, yellow arms, black legs
1               Scooter                 blue
1               saddlebags              brown
1               Signboard               grey
1               Photocamera             grey
1               Tricycle (1 wheel front, 
                  2 wheels back)        red
1               Fire ladder with
                  yellow ladder         red
1               16x24 Baseplate         green
3               Cupboard with
                  yellow window         red
2               Cupboard with
                  yellow window         blue
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           red
1               2x5x5 Cupboard 
                  with red door         yellow
2               Roof part with
                  green roof            red
2               Roof part with
                  red roof              blue
1               Roof part with red 
                  roof with hole        blue
1               Antenna                 yellow
2               2x3 brick               blue
3               2x4 brick               yellow

Set: 3670 - Service Station FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Bear, black head/arms/legs, white body
1               Figure: Bear, brown head, red body, yellow arms, black legs
1               Scooter                 blue
1               Saddlebags              brown
1               Jack                    grey
1               Adjustable-joint pliers grey
1               Hammer                  grey
1               Oil can                 red
1               Car chassis (large)     red
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece 
                  with headlights       blue
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece  blue
1               Front window round
                  (large)               blue
1               4x4 seat box            blue
2               1x6 ??? brick           blue
1               6x6x1 box               red
1               Tow hook                red
1               16x24 baseplate         green
3               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        red
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           red
5               Roof part with 
                  green roof            yellow
2               Fuel pumps with 
                  black tubes           yellow
4               1x2 brick               red
2               1x4x2 fence             yellow
1               6x16 plate              red
??              bricks, total size 2x10x4 yellow        

Set: 3671 - Airport
Total Pieces: 49
1               Figure: Crow, Red cap, black head/body, yellow legs
1               Figure: Mouse, brown head, red body arms, yellow legs
1               Figure: Mouse, gray head, blue body, black arms/legs
1               Baseplate T-figure      green
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           red
3               Cupboard with
                  yellow windows        red
1               6x16 plate              red
4               1x4 brick               yellow
4               Front window squared 
                  (large)               yellow
1               6x10 plate              yellow
3               Roof part with
                  green roof            red
2               Roof part with red roof yellow
1               Roof part with red 
                  roof with hole        yellow
2               1x4 fence               yellow
4               2x2 brick               red
1               wind gage               yellow
1               hammer                  grey   
1               petrol can              red
1               handcar                 brown
1               chair                   brown
1               table                   brown
1               coffee mug              blue
2               signboard               gray
1               Flowers                 yellow
1               flowers                 white
1               body                    blue
2               wings                   blue
1               motorblock              blue
2               front window squared 
                  (large)               blue
1               airplane tail           blue
1               4x4 seat box            blue

Set: 3672 - Hotel/Restaurant FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Dog, grey head, white body/arms, black legs
1               Figure: Monkey, orange head, white body, black arms, blue legs
1               Figure: Cat, white head/body, red arms/legs
1               24x32 baseplate         green
7               Cupboard with 
                  red window            yellow
3               Cupboard with 
                  yellow window         red
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
2               Roof part with
                  green roof            red
2               Roof part with
                  green roof and hole   red
3               Roof part with red roof yellow
1               Roof part with red 
                  roof and hole         yellow
2               Antenna                 yellow
1               Chimney                 blue
1               Bed                     brown
2               Chair                   brown
2               Table                   brown
2               Umbrella stick          red
2               Umbrella                red
2               Coffeemug               blue
2               Bread                   beige
1               Soupspoon               yellow
1               Kettle                  black
1               Frying pan              red
1               Brush (large)           brown
1               Rake (large)            dark brown
1               Tricycle (2 wheels 
                  front, 1 wheel back)  blue
??              Plates total size 6x10  red
??              Plates total size 

                  6x32 and 6x10         yellow
1               1x4x2 fence             yellow
??              bricks total size 2x18x1 red
2               Flowers                 red
2               Flowers                 white

Set: 3673 - Steamboat 
Total Pieces: 61
1               Figure: Walrus, blue cap/body/arms, brown head, red legs (Walter Walrus)
2               Figure: Monkey, white cap/body, orange head, blue arms/legs (Monkey Mate)
1               Boat yellow/red wheels  blue
4               Cupboard with 
                  blue windows          yellow
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
1               Steering wheel          red
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
1               Jar                     red
1               Coffeemug               yellow
2               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
1               Brush (large)           brown
1               Adjustable-joint pliers gray
1               Oil can                 blue
8               1x2 brick               yellow
2               1x2 brick               red
2               2x2 brick               red
8               2x2 brick               black
12              2x2 brick               yellow
2               4x10 plate              yellow
1               6x10 plate              yellow
6               1x4x2 fence             red

Set: 3674 - Bonnie Bunny's New House FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body with red necklace print, yellow arms/legs
1               Figure: Elephant, grey head/legs, red body with blue print, red arms
1               16x24 baseplate         green
1               Cupboard with
                  blue window           yellow
1               Cupboard                yellow
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
1               Stairs                  red
2               Columns                 red
1               Upper part with 
                  yellow windows        red
1               Scooter                 red
2               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
1               Telephone               red
1               Vacuum cleaner          red
1               Flower (new type)       blue
1               Flower (new type)       yellow
1               Brush                   brown
2               Coffeemug               blue
1               Jar                     red
4               drawers                 red
1               2x3x2 cabinet           yellow
2               2x2 brick               blue
1               1x4x1 fence             red
2               2x2 tiles with print    white
??              Divers bricks           yellow

Set: 3675 - General Store FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Hippo, grey head, yellow body with necklace print, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Fox, yellow cap, orange head, red body with blue print, red arms, blue legs 
1               Figure: Bulldog, blue cap/body/arms, white head, yellow legs
1               24x32 baseplate         green
1               Car chassis (small)     yellow
1               Front window round
                  (large)               blue
1               4x4x2 seat box          blue
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece  blue
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece 
                  with headlights       yellow
2               drawers                 red
1               Cupboard                yellow
1               Cupboard with 
                  blue window           yellow
1               Cupboard with 
                  blue door             yellow
1               Large cupboard with 
                  large yellow window   blue
2               Roof part with red roof yellow
6               Roof part with 
                  grey roof             blue
1               Chair                   red
1               Kettle                  blue
1               Tree (with apple print) green
1               Flower (new type)       yellow
1               Flower (new type)       white
1               Fuel pump with print    yellow
2               1x6x2 fences rounded    beige
1               Brush (large)           brown
3               2x2 tiles with print    white
1               Bank                    white
2               Columns                 grey
2               Signboard               red
2               1x4x1 fence             yellow
4               1x4x1 fence             red
3               1x2 brick               yellow
14              1x2 brick               blue
1               Mailbox lid             blue
1               Mailbox lower part      blue
1               2x6 plate               blue
1               2x6 plate               yellow
1               2x12 plate              yellow
??              Divers 2xX blue and 
                  yellow bricks and 
                  yellow plates

Set: 3676 - Fun Park FP
Total Pieces: 40
1               Figure: Cat, white head, white body wit red print, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Elephant, grey head/legs, red body with blue print, red arms
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body with necklace print, yellow arms/legs
1               Figure: Crow, red cap, black/yellow head, black body/arms, yellow legs            
1               24x32 baseplate         green
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        blue
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           blue
2               Roof part red roof      blue
1               Stairs (straight)       yellow
1               Slide                   yellow
1               Swing                   yellow/red
1               Bank                    white
3               2x6x5 fence             white
5               1x6x2 fence rounded     white
1               Coffeemug               yellow
1               Jar                     red
1               Small four-seat 
                  merry-go-round        red
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
2               2x2 brick               blue
1               4x4 plate               red
1               6x14 plate              red
7               2x2 tiles with prints 
                  and ball ?)           white
1               Flower (new type)       white
1               Flower (new type)       red
1               Flower (new type)       yellow

Set: 3678 - Big House 
Total Pieces: 121
1               Figure: Lion, orange head, black body/arms, yellow legs (Mayor Lionel Lion)
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, yellow body (Docter Lucy Lamb)
1               Figure: Horse, brown head, yellow body/arms, blue legs (Henry Horse)
1               Figure: Elephant, grey head/legs, red body/arms (Edward Elephant)
4               Cupboard with yellow
                  windows (model A)     red
4               Cupboard with yellow 
                  windows (model B)     red
3               Cupboard with red
                  windows               yellow
2               Cupboard with
                  yellow windows        blue
1               Cupboard with
                  yellow door           red
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
2               Roof part with
                  green roof            red
1               Roof part with 
                  green roof with hole  red
3               Roof part with red roof yellow
3               Roof part with red roof blue
1               Roof part with red 
                  roof with hole        blue
1               Chimney                 blue
1               Accordeon               blue
1               Antenna                 yellow
1               Umbrella stick          yellow
1               Umbrella                yellow
1               carpet beater           brown
1               Bed                     brown
4               Chair                   brown
2               Table                   brown
2               Coffeemug               blue
1               Saw                     yellow
1               Rake                    dark brown
1               Brush (large)           brown
1               Painters brush          brown
1               Garbage can             red
1               Car chassis (middle)    red
1               Car door left           blue
1               Car door right          blue
1               Front window round
                  (small)               yellow
1               1x4x2 Bellshaped piece
                  with headlight print  yellow
20              1x2 brick               yellow
3               1x4 brick               yellow
2               1x6 brick               yellow
10             2x3 brick               red
1               2x4 brick               yellow
7               2x4 brick               red
1               2x2 brick               red
2               6x10 plate              red
2               4x12 plate              red
2               6x16 plate              yellow
1               4x10 plate              yellow
1               6x10 plate              yellow
1               6x10 plate              yellow
1               1x2 brick               red
2               1x4 brick               red
1               4x6 plate               yellow
7               1x4x2 fence             blue
1               Flowers                 yellow
1               Flowers                 red
1               Flowers                 white

Set: 3679 - Windmill
Total Pieces: 71
1               Figure: Mouse, white head , yellow body with print, white arms/legs
1               Figure: Horse, gray head/legs, white arms/body with print
1               16x32 Baseplate         green
2               2x2 brick               white
2               2x2 tile with 
                  flower?? print        white
1               Street lamp             gray
1               Flowers                 yellow
1               Flowers                 white
1               Brush (large)           brown
1               Shovel (large)          grey
2               2x4 brick               yellow
10              2x4 brick               red
2               2x3 brick               red
1               2x2 brick               red
1               2x2 brick with hinge??  red
1               1x3 brick with print    red
11              1x2 brick               red
2               1x6 arche               red
2               1x4x1 fence             red
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
1               Cupboard with
                  yellow door           red
1               Cupboard with
                  red window            yellow
4               Cupboard with
                  yellow window         red
1               Large cupboard with
                  large blue window     yellow
2               4x10 plate              yellow
2               6x10 plate              red
7               roof part with 
                  green roof            red
1               mill                    yellow
1               slide                   yellow
1               Car chassis (small)     red
1               1x4 piece bellshaped
                  with head lights      red
1               window piece rounded
                  (large)               yellow
1               4x4 seat box            yellow
2               1x4x2 piece bellshaped  yellow 

Set: 3680 - Camping Set FP
Total Pieces: 28
1               Figure: Walrus, blue cap/body/arms, brown head, red legs
1               Figure: Elephant, yellow cap/body arms, grey head, black legs
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body with necklace print, yellow arms/legs
1               Car chassis (large)     yellow
2               Front window squared
                  (large)               blue
2               4x4x2 seat box          red
1               6x8x1 box               red
1               1x4x2 Bellshaped piece  blue            
1               1x4x2 Bellshaped piece 
                  with headlights       yellow
1               Caravan (with white 
                  drawers and roof)     yellow
1               Rowing boat             red
2               Oar                     yellow
1               Fishing rod             yellow
1               Tree with apple print   green
2               Chair                   red
1               Table                   blue
1               Coffeemug               blue
1               Coffeemug               yellow
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
1               Cauldron                black
2               1x2 brick               blue
1               2x6 plate               blue    

Set: 3681 - Amusement Park FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Monkey, orange head, white body, black arms, blue legs
1               Figure: Fox, orange head, black body, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Cat, white head/body, red arms/legs
1               Figure: Raccoon, brown head, white bodey, yellow arms, black legs
1               8x24  Baseplate         green
2               16x24 Baseplate         green
4               Cupboard with
                  yellow windows        blue
2               Cupboard with
                  yellow windows        blue
2               Cupboard with 
                  red windows           yellow
1               Cupboard with red door  yellow
2               Roof part with red roof blue
1               Roof part with 
                  green roof            yellow
1               Slide                   yellow
1               Stairs (straight)       yellow
1               Chest upper part        red
1               Chest upper part        yellow
1               Chest lower part        red
1               Chest lower part        yellow
1               Umbrella stick          yellow
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                yellow
1               Umbrella                red
1               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
2               Coffeemug               blue
1               Coffeemug               yellow
1               Jar                     red
1               Ferris wheel            yellow
2               Ferris wheel support    red
4               Seats                   blue
1               Small four seat 
                  merry-go-round        red
3               4x6 plate               yellow
2               4x6 plate               red
1               6x12 plate              yellow
??              Divers plates (total
                  size 8x12 and 6x8)    blue
4               1x2 brick               red
4               1x2 brick               yellow
2               1x2 brick               blue
15              2x2 brick               blue
2               2x3 brick               blue
4               2x3 brick               red
2               2x2 tile with 5 print   white
4               1x4x1 fence             yellow
2               1x4x1 fence             red
1               Flowers                 white
1               Flowers                 red
2               Stick                   black
2               Flag                    blue

Set: 3682 - Fire Station FP
Total Pieces: ??
2               Figure: Bulldog, red cap/body/arms, white head, black legs
1               Figure: Bulldog, red cap/body arms, brown head, black legs
1               32x32 baseplate         green
1               Car chassis (large)     black
1               Car chassis (small)     black
2               Front window rounded 
                  (large)               red
2               4x4x2 seat box          red
2               1x4x2 Bellshaped piece  black
3               1x4x2 Bellshaped piece  red
2               1x4x2 bellshaped piece 
                  with headlights       black
1               Ladder piece with 
                  yellow ladder         red
2               Axe                     black
2               Pickaxe                 black
7               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        red
1               Cupboard with 
                  yellow door           red
2               Roof part with
                  green roof            red
1               Upperpart with 
                  yellow windows        red
1               Bank                    white
1               Lamppost                grey
1               Signboard               grey
1               Stairs curved           yellow
1               Slide                   red
1               Tree with apple print   green
2               Stick                   black
2               Flags                   blue
1               Flower (new type)       yellow
1               Flower (new type)       white
1               1x6x2 fence rounded     yellow
1               Bed                     brown
3               1x4x1 fence             yellow
??              Divers bricks mostly red        

Set: 3683 - Amusement Park FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, yellow body
1               Figure: Crocodile, green head/legs black body with strik ?? print, black arms
1               Figure: Fox, yellow hat, orange head, red body with blue print, red arms, blue legs
1               8x24 baseplate          green
1               24x32 baseplate         green
4               Cupboard with 
                  yellow windows        blue
1               Ferris wheel with 
                  blue supports and 
                  red seats             yellow
1               Rowing boat             red
2               Oar                     beige
2               1x2 bricks              white
1               2x4 brick               yellow
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece  yellow
1               2x6 plate               white
1               2x6 plate               blue
3               2x6x5 fence             yellow
2               2x6x5 fence             white
2               1x6x2 fence rounded     white
6               1x6x2 fence rounded     yellow
2               Slide                   red
1               Stairs curved           red
1               Merry go round with 
                  red top               yellow
1               Steering wheel          red
1               4x4x2 seat box          blue
1               Scooter                 blue
1               Bank                    white
1               Chest upper part        red
1               Chest lower part        red
1               6x6 plate               blue
7??             2x2 tiles with print    white
??              Divers plates (blue) and bricks (yellow) 
                  and other pieces      

Set: 3701 - Cornelius Cat 
Total Pieces: 3
1               Figure: Cat, orange head, blue body/arms, yellow legs (Charlie Cat)
1               Frying pan              red
1               Fishing rod             yellow  

Set: 3703 - Pig Cook 
Total Pieces: 3
1               Figure: Pig, natural head, white body/arms, red legs (Peter Pig)
1               Pan                     black
1               Soupspoon               yellow

Set: 3704 - Mouse Maid 
Total Pieces: 3
1               Figure: Mouse, white head/arms/legs, yellow body (Majorie Mouse)
1               Carpet beater           brown
1               Vacuum Cleaner          red

Set: 3706 - Elmer Elephant 
Total Pieces: 3
1               Figure: Elephant, grey head/legs, blue body/arms (Ernie Elephant)
1               Brush (large)           brown
1               Shovel (large)          black

Set: 3707 - Clover Cow 
Total Pieces: 3
1               Figure: Cow, red head, blue body, white arms/legs (Clara Cow)
1               Watering can            green
1               Rake                    black

Set: 3708 - Rufus Rabbit 
Total Pieces: 4
1               Figure: Rabbit, brown head, yellow body, red arms/legs (Robby Rabbit)
1               Basket                  brown
2               Bread                   beige

Set: 3709 - Henry Horse 
Total Pieces: 3
1               Figure: Horse,  grey head, blue body, yellow arms/legs (Clarence Carpenter)
1               Hammer                  grey
1               Saw                     yellow

Set: 3710 - Bath Panda 
Total Pieces: 3
1               Figure: Panda bear, white/black head, white body/arms, black legs (Patrick Panda)
1               Washing tub             brown
1               Hair Brush              dark brown

Set: 3711 - Gilbert and Tuba FP
Total Pieces: 5
1               Figure: Pig, natural head, red body/arms, white legs
1               Tuba                    yellow
2               1x2 bricks              blue
1               2x2 tile with 
                  music print           white

Set: 3712 - Harmonica Mouse FP
Total Pieces: 5
1               Figure: Bunny, brown head, red body/arms, white legs
1               Harmonica               blue
1               Signboard               red
1               2x2 brick               blue
1               1x1x1 round             red

Set: 3713 - Monkey and Drums FP
Total Pieces: 8
1               Figure: Monkey, orange head, red body/arms, white legs
1               Drums                   white
2               Drum sticks             yellow
1               2x2 plate               red
2               1x1x1 round             black
1               4x4 round disc          white

Set: 3714 - Bricklayer FP
Total Pieces: 7 or 8
1               Figure: Monkey, white cap/body, red head, blue arms, yellow legs
1               Wheelbarrow             red
1               Filling knife           white
4 or 5          1x2 bricks              yellow

Set: 3715 - Flower Stand FP
Total Pieces: 12
1               Figure: Hippo, grey head, yellow body, red arms/legs
1               Rake                    brown
1               Watering can            green
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
1               1x1x1 round             red
2               1x2 brick               yellow
1               2x6 plate               yellow
1               Flowers                 red
2               Flowers                 white

Set: 3716 - Office FP
Total Pieces: 9
1               Figure: Fox, orange head, black body, red arms/legs
1               Telephone               red
1               Chair                   brown
4               1x4 bricks              blue
1               4x6 plate               blue
1               2x2 tile with 
                  letter print          white

Set: 3717 - Mouse Fishing at Dock FP
Total Pieces: 10
1               Figure: Mouse, white hat grey head, blue body, black arms/legs
1               Fishing rod             yellow
1               Tub                     yellow
2               1x4 brick               blue
2               1x4x1 fence             yellow
2               1x1x1 round             red
1               4x8 plate               blue

Set: 3718 - Small Cafe FP
Total Pieces: 7
1               Figure: Bunny, beige head, white body with necklace print, yellow arms/legs
1               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
1               Coffeemug               blue
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red
1               2x2 tile with pie print white

Set: 3719 - Bus Stop FP
Total Pieces: 5
1               Figure: Mouse, brown head, red arms/body (with 8 print), yellow legs
1               Lamppost                grey
1               Bus sign with print     yellow
1               Bench                   white
1               4x10 plate              blue

Set: 3721 - Clive Crocodile and his skateboard FP
Total Pieces: 11
1               Figure: Crocodile, green head/legs, black body/arms
1               Skateboard with 
                  yellow wheels         red
3               2x2 plate               blue
3               2x2x2 pile              yellow
3               flag                    red

Set: 3781 - Handyman/fisherman FP
Total Pieces: 5
1               Figure: Mouse, brown head, red body/arms, yellow legs
1               Watering can            green
1               Fishing rod             yellow
1               Tricycle (2 wheels 
                  front, 1 wheel back)  blue
1               saddlebags              brown
Set: 3782 - Patrick Parrot/Journalist FP
Total Pieces: 5
1               Figure: Parrot, green/yellow head, red body, blue arms, yellow legs
1               Photocamera             grey
1               Adjustable-joint pliers grey
1               Scooter                 red
1               saddlebags              brown

Set: 3784 - Cleanup Pig FP
Total Pieces: 5
1               Figure: Pig, natural color head, black body, yellow arms, blue legs
1               Brush                   brown
1               Cauldron                black
1               Frying pan              red
1               Handcar with 
                  yellow wheels         red

Set: 3786 - Buzzy Bulldog FP
Total Pieces: 7
1               Figure: Bulldog, white head, blue cap/body/arms, yellow legs
1               Mailbox top             blue
1               Mailbox lower part      blue
1               Basket                  brown
3               2x2 tiles with 
                  letter prints         white

Set: 3787 - Mowing Hippo FP
Total Pieces: 7
1               Figure: Hippoporamus, gray head, yellow body, red arms/legs
1               Lawnmower               yellow/red/gray)
1               Shovel (large)          gray
1               Rake                    brown
1               Wheelbarrow             red
1               Flowers                 yellow
1               Flowers                 white

Set: 3788 - Cleaning Sheep/ Living room FP
Total Pieces: 12
1               Figure: Sheep, white head/arms/legs, red body
1               Chair                   brown
1               Table                   brown
1               Birdcage                white
1               Vacuum cleaner          red
2               2x6 plate               red
4               1x2 brick               red
1               Flowers                 yellow

Set: 3789 - Motercycle Policeman FP
Total Pieces: 6
1               Figure: Bulldog, black cal/legs, white head, blue body/arms
1               Scooter                 white
1               saddlebags              black
1               Portophone              black
1               Stick                   grey
1               Signboard               red

Set: 3791 - Walrus and Scooter FP
Total Pieces: 6
1               Figure: Walrus, brown head, red body/arms
1               Tricycle (2 wheels 
                  front, 1 wheel back)  yellow
1               saddlebags              black
1               Jar                     red
1               Umbrella stick          red
1               Umbrella                red

Set: 3792 - Bedroom FP
Total Pieces: 13
1               Figure: Lamb, white head/arms/legs, blue body
1               Bed                     red
1               Chair                   red
1               Hair brush              brown
1               1x1x1 round brick       red
2               1x4 brick               yellow
3               1x6 brick               yellow
1               4x6 plate               red
1               Flowers                 red
1               Sticker mirror  

Set: 3793 - Post and Phone FP
Total Pieces: 11
1               Figure: Bulldog, blue cap/body/arms, white head, yellow legs
1               Scooter                 yellow
1               saddlebags              black
1               Phone                   red
1               Mailbox top             blue
1               Mailbox lower part      blue
2               2x2 tile with 
                  letter print          white
2               2x2 brick               yellow 
1               4x6 plate               yellow

Set: 3794 - Police Motorcycle FP
Total Pieces: 15
1               Figure: Bulldog, black cap/legs, white head, blue body/arms
1               Scooter                 white
1               saddlebags              black
1               Portophone              black
1               Stick                   grey
1               signboard               red
1               2x2 tile with 
                  bear print            white
2               1x1x1 rounds            red
4               1x3 brick               white
2               1x4 brick with 
                  red/white             white

Set: 3795 - Kitchen FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Cat, white head/body, red arms/legs
1               Soupspoon               yellow
1               Jar                     red
1               Frying pan              red
1               Whistling kettle        blue
1               Pan                     black
3               Coffeemug               blue    
2               2x2 tile                white
2               2x2 tile with 
                  black spot            white
6               1x2 brick               yellow
??              1x2 brick               red
1               1x8 brick               yellow
1               2x6 plate               yellow
1               2x10 plate              yellow
??              Divers bricks           red

Set: 3796 - Candy shop FP
Total Pieces: ??
1               Figure: Pig, natural head, white body with grey print,white arms, grey legs
1               Chair                   red
1               Jar                     red
2               Coffeemug               blue
10              1x2 brick               yellow
1               1x3 brick with cash 
                  register print        red
2               2x3 brick               red
1               4x10 plate              yellow
2               2x2 tile with pie print white
2               2x2 tile with 
                  cookie print          white
??              Bricks total size 2x8x2 red

Set: 3797 - Firechief FP
Total Pieces: 9
1               Figure : Bulldog, brown head, red cam/body/arms, black legs
1               Car chassis (small)     red
1               1x4x2 bellshaped piece  
                  with headlights       yellow
2               1x4x2 bellshaped piece  red
1               4x4 seat box            red
1               Front window round
                  (large)               red
1               axe                     black
1               pickaxe                 black

Set: 3798 - Hannas Picnic FP
Total Pieces: 15
1               Figure: Hippo, grey head, yellow body with necklace print, red arms/legs
1               8x16 baseplate          green
2               2x6x5 fence             white
2               Bench                   red
1               Table (1 piece ??)      red/white
1               Umbrella stick          yellow
1               Umbrella                yellow
2               Coffeemug               blue
1               Jar                     red
1               Flower (new type)       blue
2               Flower (new type)       white

Comments ? Contact me

This page was made by Sybrand Bonsma. Last revision: Februari 28, 2001 Copyright Sybrand Bonsma