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Inventory list: Fabuland CharactersOn this page you can find a list of FABULAND ® characters. The numbers behind the characters indicated the set(s) in which the character is. Names of the characters are provided by Benjamin Whytcross. In total 142 characters in 80 variations.Comments, questions ? Mail me: Sybrand Bonsma Rabbit: see Bunny Bear see also Panda and Raccoon Dog see also Bulldog Crow see also Parrot Sheep: see Lamb Bear, brown head, blue body/arms, red legs (329) Bear, black head/arms/legs, white body (3666, 3670) (Billy Bear) Bear, brown head, red body, yellow arms, black legs (3629, 3670) Bulldog, black cap/legs, brown head, blue body/arms (3664, 3669) Bulldog, black cap/legs, white head, blue body/arms (3639/3643, 3664, 3789, 3794) Bulldog, blue cap/body/arms, white head, yellow legs (3603, 3675, 3786, 3793) Bulldog, red cap, brown head, blue body/arms (140/350) Bulldog, red cap/body arms, brown head, black legs (3682, 3797) Bulldog, red cap/body/arms, brown head, yellow legs (3669) Bulldog, red cap/body/arms, white head, black legs (3682(2x), 3638) Bunny, brown head, yellow body, red arms/legs (3708) (Robby Rabbit) Bunny, brown head, red body/arms, white legs (3712) Bunny, beige head, white body, yellow arms/legs (3627, 3635, 3645, 3647) Bunny, beige head, white body with necklace print, yellow arms/legs (3659, 3674, 3676, 3680, 3718) Cat, orange head, blue body/arms, yellow legs (3701) (Charlie Cat) Cat, orange head, red body, yellow arms/legs (137/347) (Charlie Cat) Cat, white head/body, red arms/legs (132/341, 3673, 3681, 3795) Cat, white head, white body with bow tie print, red arms/legs (3623, 3646, 3676) Cow, red head, blue body, white arms/legs (3665, 3707) (Clara Cow) Crocodile, green head/legs, black body/arms (3639/3643, 3645, 3647, 3721) Crocodile, green head/legs black body with bow tie print, black arms (3683) Crow, red cap, black/yellow head, black body/arms, yellow legs (3671, 3676) Crow, yellow/black head, black body/arms, yelllow legs (3634) Crow, red cap, white/yellow head, red body, white arms, yellow legs (3625/3630) Dog, grey head, white body/arms, black legs (137/347, 3672) (Docter Dog) Elephant, grey head/legs, blue body/arms (3706) (Ernie Elephant) Elephant, grey head/legs, red body/arms (3601, 3668, 3678) (Edward Elephant) Elephant, grey head/legs, red body with blue print, red arms (3674, 3676) Elephant, yellow cap/body/arms, grey head, black legs (3660, 3680) Fox, orange head, black body, red arms/legs (140/350, 3667, 3681, 3716) (Freddy Fox) Fox, yellow cap, orange head, red body with blue print, red arms, blue legs (3675, 3683) Goat, white head/body/arms/legs (3637) Goat, gray head, blue body, yellow legs/arms (134/344) Horse, brown head, yellow body/arms, blue legs (3678) (Henry Horse) Horse, grey head, blue body, yellow arms/legs (3709) (Clarence Carpenter) Horse, gray head/legs, white arms/body with print (3679) Horse, grey head, black body, red arms/legs (3665) Hippo, grey head, yellow body, red arms/legs (3715, 3787) Hippo, grey head, yellow body with necklace print, red arms/legs (3622, 3662, 3675, 3798) Lamb, white head/arms/legs, blue body (3654, 3792) Lamb, white head/arms/legs, green body (3602) Lamb, white head/arms/legs, red body (3623, 3641, 3788) Lamb, white head/arms/legs, yellow body (137/347, 3636, 3663, 3678, 3683) (Lucy Lamb) Lion, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs (140/350, 3645, 3647, 3678) (Lionel Lion) Lion, brown head, black arms/body (with chain print), yellow legs (3644) Lion, white cap, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs (3622) Monkey, grey cap/arms/body, brown head, black legs (3644) Monkey, black cap, orange head, white body with blue tie print, white arms, black legs (3662) Monkey, orange head, blue body, red arms/legs (3604) Monkey, orange head, green body, yellow arms, black legs (3628) Monkey, orange head, red body/arms, white legs (3631, 3713) Monkey, orange head, white body, black arms, blue legs (3672, 3681) Monkey, red head, yellow body, red arms/legs (134/344) Monkey, white cap/body, orange head, blue arms/legs (3673 (2x)) (Monkey Mate) Monkey, white cap/body, red head, blue arms, yellow legs (3714) Mouse, brown head, red body/arms, yellow legs (3663, 3671, 3781) Mouse, brown head, red arms/body (with 8 print), yellow legs (3659, 3668, 3719, 3683) (Max Mouse) Mouse, grey head, blue body, black arms/legs (132/341, 3666, 3671) (Mortimer Mouse) Mouse, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs (121/328) Mouse, white cap, grey head, blue body, black arms/legs (3717) Mouse, white head/arms/legs, yellow body (3704) (Majorie Mouse) Mouse, white head/arms/legs, yellow body with print (3679) Panda, black/white head, black body, white arms/legs (3628) Panda, white/black head, white body/arms, black legs (3710) (Patrick Panda) Parrot, green/yellow head, red body, blue arms, yellow legs (3782) Pig, natural head, blue body, yellow arms/legs (325/3615) Pig, natural head, black body, yellow arms, blue legs (3784) Pig, natural head, red body arms, blue legs (128/338) (Patrick Pig) Pig, natural head, red body/arms, white legs (3631, 3711) Pig, natural head, yellow body, red arms/legs (3667) (Patricia Piglet) Pig, natural head, white body/arms, red legs (3703) (Peter Pig) Pig, natural head, white body with grey print,white arms, grey legs (3796) Raccoon, brown/black head, red body/arms, black legs (3626) Raccoon, brown head, red body with black print, red arms, black legs (3668) (Ricky Raccoon) Raccoon, brown/black head, white body, yellow arms, black legs (3669, 3681) Raccoon, brown/black head, black body, yellow arms, blue legs (324/3605) Walrus, blue cap/body/arms, brown head, red legs (3633, 3646, 3673, 3680) (Walter Walrus) Walrus, brown head, red body/arms (3791)
![]() This page was made by Sybrand Bonsma. Last revision: Februari 28, 2001 Copyright Sybrand Bonsma |