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The intention of this place is to provide a place where people can buy, sell or trade their Fabuland® products. You can use the form below to get your message placed on this page. To keep things ordered, there are some rules Since this page is about Fabuland® messages MUST contain Fabuland® products that you want to buy, sell, or trade. Of course, if there are other LEGO® products you lso want to sell, buy or trade you can include these as well (e.g., "Want to buy Fabuland® and trains"). I am not responsible for messages, which aren't my own. I keep the right to remove messages when I think they are not suitable for this page. HOTKEYS: Trade For sale Wanted Place advertorial TradeSets for trade (all are sealed/new) #3604 Mike Monkey #3792 Bedroom #3634 Charlie Crow #3622 Love Boat #3637 Truck (Painter) #3721 Clive and his Skateboard #3628 Perry Panda & Chester Chimp #3629 Barney Bear #328 Mouse and Blue CarMore information ? Contact Brian ********************************************************************* Date: November 30, 1999 I have the Fabuland Book and matching 33 RPM Record titled "The Fabuland Rainbow" Both are in good condition, and the record plays well (excuse the pun ) I would like to trade it for Lego parts from the castle theme or space theme of the mid to late 1980s. Email me with an offer. Contact ********************************************************************* Date: September 12, 2003 Hi! I want to trade. I have myself : Bonnie Bunny (beige head, body with print) Clive Crocodile (body with print) Catherine Cat (white head, body with print) and would like to trade them for : Doctor dog (grey head, not a bulldog) Clover Cow (red head) Gertrude Goat (prefer the one with grey head) If possible i would like them WITH accesories, per example CLOVER COW + Gardening things (you know what i mean ?) Please mail me, for questions Hashnoerej@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: August 3, 2004 I would like to trade Fabuland items. Anything is welkom, I've got figures in return. Please mail me ! Contact: t.raedst@home.nl For saleFabuland Books: Catherine Cat's Birthday and Morty's New Job Good Condition. I also have some odd characters left. Brown Horse (unsure of name); Catherine Cat; Orange Cat and a Crocodile. Open to offers. I gave all my other Fabuland to a cousin years ago (should've kept it). Thanks. Contact********************************************************************* Date: November 30, 1999 We have got a box full of Fabuland per example: Police station, Ship, and many single figures We come from germany Contact ********************************************************************* Date: April 23, 2002 For Auction : ALL NEW IN BOX : 3671 Airport, 3668 Merry-Go-Round, 3796 Small Bakery, 3718 Small Café & 3633 Motor Boat. Thanks ! Peter Ebay auction ********************************************************************* Date: September 9, 2002 Hi I have a large collection of Fabuland that is currently sitting safely in my parents garage. I would have to sifer through to see what is there exactly but I had a lot of the characters (and more) that is mentioned above and also there houses. None of the pieces are boxed of course, as I used to spend hours playing with it but I am willing to sell these pieces to anybody that is interested (you would have to pay postage as well). Keep in mind I live in Australia. Also, it is a long time since I actually looked at it so if you wanted the accessories (i.e boris the bulldog had mail and the bag) you would have to tell me what they came with (i.e broom) so I could match it up. clare-smith@bigpond.com ********************************************************************* Date: August 3, 2004 I have some Fabuland I would like to sell.. Write to me and I can tell you what I got. Helle, Denmark Contact: hell_09@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: October 19, 2004 I have many Fabuland items in my Bricklink Store and would love to share them. Barbara Bucket O Bricks ********************************************************************* Date: March 5, 2005 Fabuland video Volume 1. Edward and Friends " Edward gets the Hiccups and 8 other stories. Didn't find this site until today, and I put it on ebay.co.uk last night. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6374575341&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:UK:1 WantedWanted to buy: Fabuland characters: Joe Crow Lucy Lamb Clive the Crocodile and others. Contact ********************************************************************* Wanted Fabuland: Gertrude Goat Double Deck bus Merry-go Round. Also interested in other Fabuland pieces. Contact ********************************************************************* Most Fabuland sets wanted to buy. Would like good used with boxes or new. Thank you, Darrin Coe Contact ********************************************************************* Dear ladies and gentlemen, we would be happy if we could get the following items of Fabuland: Nr. 3675, 3646, 3682, 3662, 3674, 3670, 3673, 3681, 3678, 3672, 3666, 3647, 3645, 3623, 3714 Thank you very much in advance for your kind support. Yours sincerely, Claudia Münks-Lederer D 91056 Erlangen Dompfaffstr.124 Germany ********************************************************************* Wanted: Fabuland characters Fabuland sets They don't have to be in boxes or complete Contact: Becky ********************************************************************* Looking for *any* Fabuland Monkey, complete set (with instructions) preferred, but I'll take just a good condition figure. Contact: feanor23x@geocities.com ********************************************************************* Wanted: high quality scans of Fabuland instruction covers or boxes, for use at http://www.brickset.co.uk Can anyone help? Contact: hmillington@cix.co.uk ********************************************************************* Date: Januari 24, 2000 Rebecca from Ft. lauderdale, FLA. Looking for 5 Fabuland characters with sets if available: Bonnie Bunny, Elton Elephant, Percy Pig, Lucy Lamb, Clover Cow. Contact: bushido@gate.net ********************************************************************* Ik zoek nog Fabuland, liefst nieuw in de doos. I'm looking for more Fabuland. If possible, new and still in the box nr. 341(132), 347(137), 3635, 3639, 3643. Ik heb ook Fabuland om te ruilen. I also have Fabuland things to trade. Contact: paul.verbeeck@pandora.be ********************************************************************* Date: August 22, 2000 I want catherine cat and the poodle and the bunny. I'll pay for them! Contact: ellem@linuxporn.org ********************************************************************* Date: September 5, 2000 If you have ANY fabuland sets or character please contact me!!!! Contact: kelly8705@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: September 6, 2000 I am looking for fabuland sets or characters for my daughter! Her older siblings played with fabuland and now she is interested in them. I would love to surprise her with some for christmas. Please contact me if you have *anything* available. Thanks so much!! Contact: kellygreen26@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: December 12, 2000 I am looking for fabuland set 3603, Boris Bulldog. I would like the complete set, but would gladly buy just the Bulldog. Please e-mail me with any information. Thank you. Contact: kingfisher@soccer.com ********************************************************************* Date: March 28, 2001 When I was a child I got lots of Fabuland things for many years at birthdays, christmas, easter etc. When my parents divorced they GAVE IT ALL AWAY! Without asking me about it. Now I am trying to buy as much as possible of what I lost. Can anyone help me? Contact: gabriella.ingvarsson@swipnet.se ********************************************************************* Date: October 25, 2001 i want to buy anything from sets to odd figures. i have search for fabuland a long time now please help! (I live in sweden) Contact: miakarmberg@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: November 1, 2001 I'm searching for all things off fabuland lego. I will pay any prise for it if its good. please help me becausse I have look for it an long time.contact me debbie. Contact: debbiesmaling@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: December 6, 2001 I wanted animals, cars, boats, buildings etc. Contact me. Thank you Contact: m_utstrand@user.bip.net ********************************************************************* Date: April 17, 2002 We want to buy FABULAND animals, houses etc. We come from Sweden. Contact: m_utstrand@user.bip.net ********************************************************************* Date: September 2, 2002 Ich suche eine CD, MC oder LP von FABULAND. Wer kann helfen??? Vielen Dank! Contact: Silke.Zaschke@gmx.de ********************************************************************* Date: November 18, 2002 Mareike (5 J.) sucht Spielzeug von Fabuland. Speziell den Rummelplatz, das Einkaufszentrum, Hauser usw. Wer macht uns ein Angebot? Vielen Dank! Contact: E.u.W.Koelker@t-online.de ********************************************************************* Date: December 13, 2002 I am desperately looking for Percy Pig!! Contact: bbv_public@gmx.at ********************************************************************* Date: December 13, 2002 Hi! I am looking for the 1988 salon set with paulette poodle and catherine cat to buy, also these characters max mouse with 8 on his jumper,walter walrus and mike monkey from the window cleaning set, plus sets school and 1982 bakery patricia and freedy thank you for looking! Contact: pipsymouse32@yahoo.com ********************************************************************* Date: January 8, 2003 I would like to find fabuland house, fire station and police station. I played with them as a child and would love to have them again. I would be interested in other parts as well. Please e-mail me if you can help. Contact: dneelliott@msn.com ********************************************************************* Date: January 8, 2003 I am looking for the LADYBIRD BOOKS EDWARD AND HIS FREIENDS SERIES, some FABULAND VIDEO. I want to buy theme. Thank you for l@@king! Contact: m-r-c100@pc4.so-net.ne.jp ********************************************************************* Date: March 19, 2003 Every vacation i waited to buy a Fabuland box and just that year i wanted the steam boat, there was no Fabuland anymore. Who can help me ? Contact: sorena@home.nl ********************************************************************* Date: March 19, 2003 I WANT TO BUY ALL Contact: audedujardin@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: May 12, 2003 I'm looking for Fabuland pieces and Fabuland Sets: Kitchen - 3646 Beauty Salon - 3623 Bedroom - 3636 Cottage - 3674 and Building Instruction even if parzial, fotocopied, scanned of Bakkery Shopper 3667 Please look at my page for more details: http://www.geocities.com/fabulandasylum Contact: liliamonti@libero.it ********************************************************************* Date: May 12, 2003 Would love to buy any fabuland buildings or accessories. condition doesn't matter. have a large collection from my childhood and want to expand on it for my kids. what a shame they dont make it anymore!! i live in australia. thanks! Contact: joanna@swift.net.au ********************************************************************* Date: August 13, 2003 hi. any aussies (australians) who want to get rid of their fabuland sets let me know. cheers Contact: ktrustum@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: August 13, 2003 WANTED!!!! I'm looking for Fabuland characters, especially hoses and the orange cat. I'm interested in buildings/accessories as well. Of course I'm paying for it (for shipment also)! Ich suche einfach alles über Fabuland (Figuren, Zubehör, ...). Ich bezahle auch dafür (auch Versandkosten). PS: I live in Switzerland / Ich lebe in der Schweiz THANKS!!!!! DANKE!!!!! Contact: djfresh@freesurf.ch ********************************************************************* Date: August 13, 2003 Hi. I am Jeroen and i live in belgium. My older sister had Fabuland, and we still have it now. I just LOVE it now !!! I would really like the store and the mill as buildings. Of characters i would love: Boris Bulldog, the postman Patrick Parrot, the journalist Harry Horse (the grey one) The Fox (i don't know the name but i think it is included with the store) If possible mail me, at Contact: hashnoerej@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: August 15, 2003 Hoi, Ik ben op zoek naar allerlei dingen van Fabuland. Zou graag de volgende nrs willen hebben: * 3681: Het grote pretpark * 3679: Molen met glijbaan en winkeltje * 3654: De bloementuin * 3670: Autowerkplaats * 3667: Broodbakkerij * 3678: Huize Leeuwenburg Als het tweedehands is maakt het voor mij niks uit. Sophie Contact: sophieragas@tiscali.be ********************************************************************* Date: September 12, 2003 Fabuland Wanted!! I have three children, and they have several cousins, who all love playing with Fabuland. If you want your old sets/pieces to go to loving and caring children (at a price of course) , please contact me!! Contact: allabella@optusnet.com.au ********************************************************************* Date: December 22, 2003 I'm looking for any Fabuland Pieces and Sets. Please contact me! Contact: frankie_weaver@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: May 21, 2004 WANTED: any or all of the edward and friend videos! Contact: pbleddy@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: June 8, 2005 Hello! I am looking for any of the following, with or without their full sets, (prefer characters with original eye style): � Town Hall (Freddy Fox, police car, police and fire station, Bulldog with police and fireman hats, and Lion) �Perry Panda (with broom and red tricycle) �Chester Chimp (with yellow ladder) �Ice Cream Shoppe (Clara Cow, Harry Horse, and yellow ice cream cart) �Edward Elephant �Percy Pig (with wheelbarrow, shovel and broom) Thank you! Contact: martinilavoi@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: September 26, 2005 hello i am looking for any types of fabuland!! i am a child and would like to have some!! alice!! australia!! Contact: hotgirl_diva@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* Date: December 11, 2008 (Dutch advertisement) Te koop: Set 134b / 344 (tankstation) inclusief boekje en stickers. Contact: y.brand@planet.nl Place advertorial
![]() This page was made by Sybrand Bonsma. Last revision: September 12, 2003 Copyright Sybrand Bonsma |