Due to her busy schedule, Angel has been unable to answer her mail. As soon as I'm finished with her in court for breach of contract, she'll be back giving free legal advice. In the meantime, here's some classic Angel Law.

If you have any questions for Angel, please e-mail them to:

Legal Disclaimer:

Please remember...Free legal advice is worth what you pay for it.

Angel takes on the pressing legal questions of our day...

Angel Law Column:

Moving around this site...

Main Page: Where you came in.
Features: Ask Auntie Shoe and Ms M's Word and Quote of the Day.
News/Editorial: The news of the day and a place where you can post your opinions.
Stuff: My list of favorite places on the net.
The X-Files: X-Files and other related links.
MarxLennon's Gratuitous Image Page: A history of the MarxLennon family.
Kelsey's Page: Kelsey's favorite things.
The Conspiracy Page: They're out to get us...
The Help Desk: Trippy's Techno Tips: Need computer help? This is the place.
Croesos the Classicist: The Great Trojan Epic