As you can see I've moved my list of links over here. I'll be adding more as they occur to me. If you have a link that you think would fit in with the theme of this site, please let me know. (No, Chair, I'm *not* adding the Smurf site.)

My favorite hangouts on the web.

Monty Python's homepage.
The Holy See
Where the Pope lives. See what the little rascal is up to.
The Political Graveyard
Find out where dead politicians are buried.
ZETA94 Homepage
The radio station I listen to. Go there to see who'll be playing at ZetaFest this year.
TVNation Homepage
One of my favorite shows. Too bad it was cancelled here in the US. Michael Moore really knows how to irritate the powers that be.
Electronic Telegraph
Hat's suggestion for people who want to know what's going on across the pond. You have to register, but it's well worth it.
One of Hat's web creations. Anyone who's interested in the environment should see this site.
Another of Hat's beautiful environmental sites. She's very talented.
Ms. M's favorite Indigo Girls site. If you like the Indigo Girls, you'll like this one.
Bryn Mawr's Homepage
Take a look at where our little Ms. M goes to school.
Golf on the Net
Butch's favorite golf site. Coming up...TC's favorite birthing site.
The Marine Guestbook
Butch's Marine site.
Weird Places on the Web
From RML...This has to be seen to be believed. I love it.
Midwife Birth Stories
JUST FOR BUTCH!!!!!!!!!!! A whole site devoted to birthing stories!!!!!!!!! (Told you I'd get you)
Urban Legends Reference Pages
A spot to read about some of those urban legends we all know and love. Where they came from, and if they're true.
Virtual Flowers Homepage
A place to order virtual and real flowers.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
I think everyone has heard of this organization.
Women who want to pee standing up
Thanks to RML. Why we'd want to learn to do this is beyond me.
Dancing Hamsters
This is very funny. Don't forget to turn on your speakers. My thanks to Hat for this site.

Friend's Homepages.

The Winged Goddess of Victory's Homepage: Shoe's homepage. Other than her infatuation with the Nike corporation, it's a cool site.
"Sombrera: Tripping the Life Fantastic": Hat's latest website. This one has a place to submit original poetry and links for the environmentally aware.
Emily's Sunflower Patch: Watch as Em's sunflowers go from little seeds to giant, gorgeous flowers. A veritable font of information for all you would be gardeners.
Wabbit's Homepage: Wabbit is truly an artiste. A definite must see.
Isis's Wicked Witch Page: Isis's obsession with all things witchy hits the web. Guess that's why they call her the Web Witch.
Strange:Daze: Dockterd's homepage. That boy is in serious need of clinical help.
SLUG INC.: You have problems with the US drug policy? Check this site out.
Nicole's First Homepage Attempt: Nicole's homepage. Don't forget your shades...
Ian's Webpage: Ian's photo gallery.
Jeff Ellis Photography: A friend's business page. Full of great photos.

Moving around in the site

Main Page: Back to where you came in,
Features: Ask Auntie Shoe and Ms. M's Word and Quote of the Day
News of the Day: Where you can get up to the minute breaking news. Or up the week. Or whenever I update it. We're also including an editorial section.
The X-Files Page: The X-Files and other related links.
Angel Law: Free legal advice.
MarxLennon's Gratuitous Image Page: I'd say the name is self explanatory.
Conspiracy Page: Conspiracy theories...My way
Kelsey's Page: Kelsey's favorite things
The Help Desk: Trippy's Techno Tips: Having computer problems? This is for you.
Croesos the Classicist: The Great Trojan Epic
Bocce's COPA Page: If you love COPA, this is for you.
Lunatic Fringe's Joke Page: Some of LF's favorite jokes.