Here it is! The page you've all been waiting for...


If you have any links, or any ideas for this page, feel free to mail me at:

Links to other X-Files sites.

The X-Files Multimedia Archive
Cool place to find images and sounds to download.
The X-Files
Not too bad for an official site.
X-Links Central
This boy takes the X-Files seriously. Every link you can imagine.
Movie Sounds
.wav files you can download from the X-Files.
Emma's Star Trek and X-Files Page
Sent by GRC. It's a cool site.

Related Links

The Department of Defense
Emily's Sunflower Patch
The X-Files Movie
The official X-Files movie site.
The official homepage for Fox's Millennium.
Shiver's Millennium Page
According to the creator: Devoted to the "Is He or Isn't He" Psychic Debate.
FIST: The real story
A site devoted to Fox's crack down on unauthorized X-Files and Millennium websites and how the group proposes to fight back.
Who killed JFK?
You'll be shocked by the answer. (This is for Sirra)

Moving around the site.

Main Page: Back to where you came in.
Features: Ask Auntie Shoe and Ms M's Word and Quote of the Day.
News of the Day: All the news you need to get through the day.
Stuff: My favorite places on the web.
Angel Law: Free legal advice.
MarxLennon's Gratuitous Image Page: I'd say the name is pretty self explanatory.
Conspiracy Page: They're out to get us...
Kelsey's Page: Kelsey's favorite things.
The Help Desk: Trippy's Techno Tips: Having computer problems? This is for you.
Croesos the Classicist: The Great Trojan Epic
Bocce's COPA Page: If you love COPA, this is for you.
Lunatic Fringe's Joke Page: Some of LF's favorite jokes.