Bocce's COPA Cabana

Welcome to the hottest spot north of Havana: the COPA Cabana!

Our mission is to put you in touch with a particular brand of online material: that which is legitimately worth knowing about, but which would likely run afoul of the Children's Online Protection Act (which was recently struck down by a federal judge, but is still pending appeal). Both your lovely hostess, TC, and I are concerned parents who believe that the best way to keep your kids safe on the Net is to offer them guidance yourself--we don't trust our legislators to do it for us.

Some of this stuff can be described as gross, disgusting, lewd, upsetting, repulsive, or just plain unsanitary, but we feel it has some sort of redeeming importance (or maybe we just think it's funny). In short, we'd rather give Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell heart attacks than gut our freedom of speech in the name of protecting our kids; we would prefer that our kids be able to enjoy the protection of the First Amendment.

On with the show!

"Her name was Lola... She was a showgirl..."
--Barry Manilow

"I know what I am, I'm glad I'm a man, and so's Lola."
--Ray Davies

Enjoy and remember:
If you find these pages offensive, don't read them.

The COPA Cabana has been visited on occasions since 1st March 1999.

Moving around the site...

Main Page: Where you came in...
Features: Auntie Shoe and Ms M's Word and Quote of the Day.
News/Editorial Page: All the news you need and a place to give your opinion.
Stuff: My favorite places on the web.
X-Files: The X-Files and related links.
Angel Law: Free legal advice
MarxLennon's Gratuitous Image Page: A history of the MarxLennon clan.
Croesos the Classicist: The Great Trojan Epic.
The Conspiracy Page: They're out to get us...
Kelsey's Page: Kelsey's favorite things.
Trippy's Techno Tips: Do you need computer help? This page is for you.
Lunatic Fringe's Joke Page: LF's favorite jokes.