Mistaken Beliefs

   "I must measure up to other people's expectations of me". In a personal sense this could not be further from the truth. Our worth as human beings cannot be determined by others. In the practical/professional setting we do have to meet certain standards to maintain employment or livelihood. But in the personal sense, we are of equal worth and value as human beings. Each of us is precious and unique.

   Our value as human beings is unrelated to who or what we are. It is unrelated to race, religion, sexual preference, accomplishments, or lack of them, and to our appearance. These are the externals-the false cultural idioms of self-judgement. We are all imperfect. Our value as human beings is that we are.

   It is important that most people love, like, or approve of me. This idea has been conditioned into us since childhood. It is such a powerful concept that we let it often determine our actions, even against our better judgement. This is a losing battle at best. If we do something to please others, it should please us too. Performing for praise or gratitude is not a building block of high self-esteem.

   Actually, the only approval we must have is our own. Anyone else's is stictly optional. It is difficult to live with yourself without self-approval. Although relationships can be wonderful and much work as well, we should be able to have contentment and happiness when living alone. Life does not give guarantees other than our own being.

"I reject any opinion that denies my value as a human being."


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