My Work

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I am an Electrical Engineer and have been since my graduation in 1980 from Wentworth Institute of Technology.

I currently employed at Oracle Corporation (formally Sun Microsystems Inc) in Burlington, Massachusetts. I returned back to Sun in November of 2004 after about 4 years away from the company. Prior to leaving Sun in Dec 2000, I was there for 13 years.

Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Inc) is a great place to work, and I’m not just saying this because I work here. They not only have great products,and great people..but the company is very respectful to all that work there.

We sometimes don’t know how good we have it....but after being away for 4 years, I now know!

Please look at my resume for more information on my work history.

NOTE: I have put together a page with links to various networking groups in the Northern Mass, Southern NH area. I found these groups very useful when I was unemployed. I urge you to look into these groups if you find yourself looking for work.

Also, I would love to help you in any way I can. I know what it is like to be looking, and I appreciated all the people that gave me a hand when I needed it. Email me.

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