[ 1 ] For grant of permission to accept outside work carring remuneration.
[ 2 ] Application for the grant of Ex-India leave upto a period of 1 month to  be   submitted through concerned head of dept./centre.
[ 3 ] Application form for grant of travel concession advance of ministry of home affairs memorandum no 3.2.1957
[ 4 ] Performa for compensatory leave .
[ 5 ] T. A. FORM..
[ 6 ] Voucher for petty contingent expenditure.
[ 7 ] M.tech thesis & evaluation viva-vice report.
[ 8 ] Bill for expenses done by external examiner.
[ 9 ] Application for attending conference in India.
[10] Application for confermation for attending conference
[11] Application for long/medium leave to take up advanced research/ testing assignment and/or any other acadmic purpose in India or abroad.
[12]O. T .A / Honorarium Bill.
[13]Requisition slip for staff Car/ Tempo/Bus.
[14]Request for reservation of Nalanda Guest / Main Guest House
[15] Leave travel concession Bill.
[16]Form of application for claiming refund of Medical expenses incured in connection with medical attendences and/or treatment of the employee and their families.
[17]Application for reservation of Hall(s)/ Ground etc .
[18]Form for authority letter
[19]Application    for Drawal  of    Temporary    advance/Final    withdrawal from CPG/GPF/CPF A/C
[20] Joining report.
[21]Application for Earned/ Medical/ Casual /Vacation leave.
[22]Application for Special Casual leave.