
This is Lucy, our oldest...by 2 weeks. I got Lucy after I lost a black poodle that I had owned or ...rather she owned me for 13 years....she died suddenly of pancreaitis....I had taken her to the Dr. as soon as possible but she was just too ill and died on the operating table.....I missed her desperately and so did Tom...I grieved for months before we decided to get another dog and I wanted so much to replace what I could never have again but wanted so desperately that when I saw Lucy; who looked so much like the missing piece of my heart...I immediately burst into tears and picked her up and never let her go til I had her in my home. She is no longer a replacement but a very special part of the family and her own personality...we love her very much.


This is Rocky he is 2 weeks younger than Lucy.....after about two or three weeks with Lucy I decided to get her a companion and potty train them both at one time so we started on the search for Rocky he was soooo tiny and black when we took him home...I wanted him that way...imagine my surprise when he started turning lighter and lighter the oldder he got the lighter his coat became...he is a very affectionate dog and needs lots of attention. We love him very much too. Both dogs love to go in the pool with us in the summer time and they have their own little raft they ride around in and they demand to have it pushed to the side so they can get on and be with us.


This is Purr-vert....he is the baby. We got Purr-vert (Purv for short) for our Granddaughter when she came to live with us and he very quickly became MY cat..we are very attached to each other and he is my baby....he gets away with things I would kill mere mortals for doing...such as walking on my printer and delibertly making it spit out paper so he can try and catch it as it comes out the other end.He is about 6 months old now and I am dreading taking him to the vet to be neutered.....I know it is the thing to do.....in fact I worked at a Veterinary Hospital for 12 years...I just hate to leave him for the surgery!

Thursday, Jan.15,1998
Well today I took Purv and got the neutering over with and am sure glad its done...I stayed with him throughout the surgery and then waited for him to wake up enough to come home....so I didn't have to leave him after all!


This is Xena, we got her right around Labor Day 98...Purv needed someone to talk to who spoke his language and she needed a good home...we are all glad she is part of the family now....especially Purv....he LOVES her....he washes her and plays with her constantly and never ever gets irritated!

We had Xena spayed the first week in March..she is growing into a beautiful cat...not the cuddly type I'm afraid but we are wild about her just the same!

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Carol Rapp
P.O. Box 492
Skelton, WV 25919
United States