![]() Cub Scout Pack 102 ![]()
Participation: Open to all Pack 102 Cub Scouts, Tiger Scouts, parents, leaders and children of scout parents. You must be present to race! Inspection: Cars will be inspected during registration for compliance to the specifications set forth below. All Car will be Assigned a number for identification. NO LUBRICANTS MAY BE USED ONCE THE CARS ARE REGISTERED! Impound: Cars will be impounded when registered. After being impounded, repairs will be limited to replacement of axles/wheels that are broken/lost during the race. Bring your own part & tools. Cars may not be modified after passing inspection. Body: The body in the Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit must be used. Bodies of other materials will be grounds for disqualification. The body may be shaped, hollowed out, or built up from the original block, as long as it meets all other specifications. Any additions to the original body, i.e. steering wheels, drivers, decals, paint, weights, etc., must be firmly attached. Width: The car width at the wheels may not be modified, it must be the same as the original kit. Width must not exceed 2 3/4". So the car can straddle lane wheel guide and roll freely. Length: Overall length may not exceed 7". Wheels: Wheels and axles must be the ones furnished in the official kits. No washers, bushings, bearings or springs are allowed. Wheels may be sanded to remove the flashing only. NO reductions in width or diameter, or changes in shape are allowed. All four wheels do Not have to be in contact with the track when set on a flat surface. Weight: The
weight of the race-ready car must not exceed five (5) ounces as
Lubricants: Only dry graphite or dry graphite/ moly lubricant may be used for lubrication. No liquid lubricants, waxes, polishes or soap other lubricants are permitted. Other: Cars must free-wheel with no stored energy or movable weights. There is no designated front or back to the supplied body, either end may be the front. Placing Cars on Track: Each participant may place his car on the indicated lane for each race and we prefer and encourage them to do so. If a participant does not desire to place his car, he should tell an track official and the track official will place the car on the lane for him. Special Note to the Parents: Your race committee has debated this rule at length. We feel that participant will appreciate the Pinewood Derby activity more if they participate by placing their own cars on the racing lanes. This was not done in prior years. However, we also feel that there is a high likelihood that this may affect the outcome of the races. If cars are not placed carefully, aimed straight down the lane and with all wheels free from touching the lane wheel guide, the wheels will rub on the lane wheel guide which will slow the car speed. Some participant may not be able to align their car accurately. Therefore track officials will double check and adjust alignment of each car on the lane prior to the start. If you or participant do not want an track official to double check alignment, make this known at the time of placing the car on the track. Another concern is that having some participant handle their own cars at the starting line created a certain level of chaos and risk of the participant dropping and damaging his / her car. Please explain these concerns to your participant so that an accident doesn't happen and he / her is unnecessarily disappointed. Racers will be divided into TIGER, WOLF, BEAR, WEBELOS, and OTHER participant divisions. Racing will be on a POINTS ELIMINATION basis to determine the three finalists in each division. The three finalists will race to determine their finishing order. In addition, there will be a class for adults where leaders and parents can build their own cars and take on the Pack! There will be judging for additional awards in the categories MOST UNIQUE, MOST ORIGINAL, and BEST LOOKING. **** Scouting encourages good sportsmanship. **** Cars will be disqualified
the Scout or participant or his parents display
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