Scout Pack 102
Why a uniform?
Scouting is a uniformed organization to identify openly with the principles
to which it is committed--character development, citizenship training,
physical and mental fitness. It is a way of showing our commitment to a
belief in God, loyalty to country, and to helping other people. In uniform,
we encourage others to live by those principles. Take pride in your uniform
and the Scouting movement.
What to Wear
Cubs (and Parents)
Orange Tiger Cub T-Shirt (optional)
Tiger Cub Hat (optional)
and Wolves - 2nd Grade
Blue Cub Scout Shirt, with US flag - long or short sleeve
W.D. Boyce Council Patch
Pack 102 (red and white numbers)
Your Den Number
World Scout Crest Emblem (purple patch with the fleur-de-lis symbol)
Yellow Cub Scout Neckerchief and Cub Scout Slide
Honor Unit Patch (when earned by the Packs)
Red Brag Vest (for patches and segments) - optional
Official Cub Scout hat, belt and pants - optional
- 3rd Grade
Blue Cub Scout Shirt, with US flag - long or short sleeve
W.D. Boyce Council Patch
Pack 102(red and white numbers)
Your Den Number
World Scout Crest Emblem (purple patch with the fleur-de-lis symbol)
Blue Cub Scout Neckerchief and Cub Scout Slide
Honor Unit Patch (when earned by the Packs)
Red Brag Vest (for patches and segments) - optional
Official Cub Scout hat, belt and pants - optional
- 4th and 5th Grade
As determined by each Den or Patrol, Blue Cub Scout or Tan Boy Scout Shirt
- long or short sleeve
W.D. Boyce Council Patch
Pack 102 (red and white numbers)
Your Den Number or Patrol Patch
World Scout Crest Emblem (purple patch with the fleur-de-lis symbol)
Checkered Webelos Neckerchief and Webelos Slide
Honor Unit Patch (when earned by the Packs)
Red Brag Vest (for patches and segments) - optional
Official Cub Scout hat, belt and pants - optional
Adult Leaders
Cub Scout Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders - Yellow Cub Scout or Tan
Boy Scout Shirt
Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmasters, Pack Committee Chairman and (optional)
Other Pack Committee Members - Tan Boy Scout Shirt
W.D. Boyce Council Patch
Pack 102 (red and white numbers)
Your Den or Patrol Number (for Den Leaders and Assistants)
Leadership Insignia (e.g., Den Leader, Cubmaster, Pack Committee Member,
World Scout Crest Emblem (purple patch with the fleur-de-lis symbol)
Adult Leader Neckerchief
Cub Scout or Webelos slide
Honor Unit Patch (when earned by the Packs)
Blue Shoulder Loop
Illustrations and Official
placement of insignia:
Scouts and webelos Scouts Uniform Sheet
Leader Uniform Sheet
Leader Uniform Sheet
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