Scout Pack 102
What is Cub Scouting?
What is Cub Scouting?
Boys in the first through fifth grades (or ages 7, 8, 9, or
10) may join a Cub Scout pack and be assigned to a den, usually made up
of boys in a neighborhood who form a natural play group. Tiger Cub dens
usually meet twice a month, while Cub Scout and Webelos Scout den meetings
are usually held once a week.
Once a month, all of the dens and family members gather for a pack meeting
under the direction of a Cubmaster and pack committee. The committee includes
parents of boys in the pack and members of the chartered organization.
The Program
In 1930, the Boy Scouts of America created a new opportunity called Cub
Scouting for boys younger than Boy Scout age. A year-round, home-centered
program used by chartered organizations, Cub Scouting emphasizes involvement
between boys and their parents, adult leaders, and friends. In the multidimensional
plan of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scouting is where it all begins.
Currently, it is the largest of the organization's three membership divisions.
(The others are Boy Scouting and Venturing.)
Cub Scouting has the following purposes:
Influence a boy's character development and spiritual growth.
Develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship.
Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body.
Improve understanding within the family.
Strengthen a boy's ability to get along with others.
Foster a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and
Provide fun and exciting new things to do.
Show a boy how to be helpful and do his best.
Prepare him to be a Boy Scout.
At den meetings, a Cub Scout starts an activity. Perhaps it
is a project or a stunt for the next pack meeting. During the week, with
his parents' help, he finishes the project or perfects the stunt. If it
happens to be something required for his Wolf or Bear advancement, his
parent signs his Cub Scout book. In this way, Cub Scouting helps to strengthen
family ties.
Pack meetings, attended by boys and their families, give parents a chance
to see their sons in action. Most pack meetings are divided into two parts.
The first is informal - boys and parents may view exhibits or participate
in gathering-time activities. The second half has a formal opening, followed
by den skits, songs, games, or stunts related to a monthly theme, and the
awarding of badges earned by the boys since the last pack meeting.
Outdoor Program
Adventuresome outdoor programs are encouraged for Cub Scouts. These include
den field trips, picnics, outings, day camping, and resident camping. Because
Cub Scouting is home-centered, family camping is also emphasized. Webelos
Scouts are encouraged to go on overnight experiences and to conduct occasional
joint outdoor activities with a Boy Scout troop. Cub Scout day camps are
conducted by most BSA local councils, and many also provide resident camping
experiences for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts.
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