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Once, we didn't have much choice in dog foods.
Over the years many companies spend their time researching the nutritional and health needs of dogs in all stages of their lives. Now we have dog food for small breed puppies to large breed puppies, growing dogs, older dogs, active dogs, "lazy" dogs, overweight dogs, etc.
We also have food formulated for different illnesses of our animals. The food comes in all types, fairly inexpensive to very expensive.
Some people think canned is best, others dry. Still others prefer a mixture of the two, and now many are getting away from commercial dog food and going "natural."
There are almost as many different types of food and choices as there are dog owners.
This page will hopefully lead you to some information to help you decide what is best for your babies.
Cocker Spaniels can and do have many health problems that can be remedied by certain diets and removing foods and chemicals that can cause allergies, dry skin, runny eyes, overweight, hair loss, dandruff, constant itching and more.
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Dog food and nutritional links
Canine Cookies
1 cup milk
3 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp garlic salt
1/2 cup bacon fat, meat drippings or lard
1 cup shredded cheese
1 egg, beaten
Preheat over to 400 degrees. Place flour and garlic salt in bowl.
Stir in bacon fat, cheese and egg.
Gradually add enough milk to form dough.
Knead dough on lightly floured surface.
Roll dough to about 1 inch thick.
Use cookie cutter to cut dough and place cookies on greased
cookie sheet.
Bake about 12 minutes or until cookies start to brown.
Cool and store in air tight container.
You can cut cardboard bone shape and use to cut out cookies
--------Submitted by Tina W.-------------
Health Sites for Cockers
Cockers and Ear Infections
One of the most distressing problems with our cockers
Is the well-know ear infection rearing it's ugly head.
There are many remedies out there.. commercial
and "home-made."
Infections can be caused by many things
1. Diet
2. Getting soap and water in the ears
3. Not keeping the ears dried inside
4. Not cleaning the ears and
keeping the hair trimmed away
from inside the ear
5. ________________Write your own reason :-)
Here are a few remedies the list members have used:
From Mary:
I suggest starting your dog on a high quality acidophilus right away. Make
sure you purchase the best the health food store has to offer, and that it
has been kept refrigerated.
Ear infections, vaginal infections, bladder infections, etc. are often
caused by an overgrowth of the Candida bacteria (bad guys in the intestinal
tract) - this is true of humans as well as animals. The repeated use of
antibiotics, compounded by the fact that tap water has alot of chemicals and
chlorine it it, AND factory raised farm animals are shot full of - you
guessed it - hormones and anitbiotics, which are all consumed by us and our
pets on a daily basis. This continual input of substances that kill off the
good flora in the intestines will weaken the immune system. Thereby,
leaving us/pets wide open for Candida to take over and cause the above
mentioned problems. I give my dogs acidophilus and bifidus several times a
week and we haven't had any ear problems for years.
According to the book, "The Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog" by Wendy
Volhard & Kerry Brown, DVM's.... some other causes of ear problems include:
allergies to food or environment
adrenal or thyroid gland malfunction
kidney problems
diet to alkaline
ear mites
cervical and lumbar vertebrae out of alignment
A good ear wash is small amount of ORGANIC Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with
some sterile water.
Submitted by Jan:
Blue Power Ear Treatment
How to remove Skunk odor from your "friendly" cocker
Submitted by Claire
1 litre of peroxide (regular house stuff)
1/4 cup of Soda, (baking soda)
1 teaspoon of liquid soap
Put all the ingredients in a large pail. (peroxide and soda will boil up )
Using a sponge, soak the dog all over being very careful not to get in the
dogs eyes.
The liquid soap will disolve the oils contained in the skunks secretions
and will permit the 2 other ingredients to act.
Do not forget to rinse your companion completely when done.

List of House Plants,Outdoor/Garden Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Grass, Wildflowers, Herbs
that can be poisonous to pets |
Aconite, Almond, Amaryllis, Angel's trumpet, Apple, Apricot, Arrow Grasses,
Arrowhead Vines, Asparagus Ferns, Atopa Belladonna, Autumn Crocus, Azaleas |
Balsam Pear, Baneberry, Birds of paradise, Bittersweet Woody, Black Locust, Bloodroot,
Boston Ivy, Box, Buckeye, Buttercup |
Caladium, Carolina jessamine, Castor Bean, Chinaberry, Chokecherry, Christmas Rose,
Chrysanthemum, Colodium, Common Privet, Coriaria, Corn cockle, Cowane, Cowslip,
Creeping Charlie, Creeping Fig, Crown of Thorns, Cow Cockle |
Daffodil, Daphne, Death Camas, Deiphinium, Dieffenbachia, Dologeton, Drunk Cane,
Dumbcane, Dutchman's Breeches |
Elderberry, Elephant Ears, Emerald Duke, English Holly, English Ivy, European Bittersweet |
Faise Flax, False Hellebore, Fan Weed, Ficus, Field Peppergrass, Flax, Fox Glove |
Glocal Ivy, Ground Cherry |
Heart Ivy, Heart Leaf, Holly, Horse Chestnut, Horse Nettle, Hyacinth |
Indian Tobacco, Indian Turnip, Iris, Ivy |
Jack in the pulpit, Japanese Plum, Jasmine, Jatropha, Jerusalem Cherry, Jimsonweed |
Laburmum, Lantana, Larkspur, Laurels, Lily of Valley, Loco, Lupines |
Manchineel, Matrimony vine, May Apple, Marijuana, Marble queen, Majesty, Milk vetch,
Mistletoe, Mock Orange, Monkey Pod, Monkshood, Moonweed/seed, Morning Glory
Mountain Mahogany, Mushrooms, Mustards |
Narcissus, Neththyis, Needlepoint Ivy, Nicotina, Nightshade, Nutmet, Nux Vomica |
Oaks, Oleander |
Pathos, Parlor Ivy, Peach/Cherry, Periwinkle, Peyote, Philodendrum, Pig Weed, Poke Week,
Poinsetta, Poison Hemlock, Pot Mum, Potato, Privet |
Raintree, Rattle Box, Red Princess, Rhododendrum, Rhubard,Ripple ivy, Rosary Pea |
Skunk Cabbage, Smartweeds, Snon on mountain, Soap Berry, Sorghum, Spider mum,
Spinach, Spranger fern, Star of bethlehem, Sunburned potatoes |
Tulip |
Umbrella Plant |
Velvet Grass |
Water Hemlock, weeping fig, wild black cherry, wild radish, wisteria, woody aster |
Yellow jessamine, yellow oleander, yellow pine flax
yew - american/english/western | |