doubt it this will be the first icon you'll click on. Hmm..so much for
WhO's MoErO?
down your John Hancock here. And let the pencil dance.
others' John Hancock with envy. Then weep because you didn't write about
your cat.
her your rants and raves. Tell her why you shoulda win the Grammy instead
of Helen Hunt. Or is it the Emmy?
mAiL mOeRo!
the dusty book and learn why teenagers justa love clashing colors for their
shirts and pants and other watchamacallits. Then they get angry when you
say they have no (color) sense.
galore! Gif animations! Need I say more? Ahh..the joy of free things...
(words of a freeaholic). Never trust a freeaholic. They're just aftering
your free stuff... (confession of a freeaholic)
homepage just doesn't look right without this little section for links.
So here they are!
Salaam. Greetings. So finally you made it here, eh?
In the spirit of unabashed self-promoting, I made this wacky homepage.
My first real effort at such thing. I'd also like to test my skills in
cartooning and animation, which I really .
Imagining myself doing animation to the standard of Disney's features or
Japanese anime...hmmm. You can find (I
hope!) animations here that I made in Puttpholio.
Take it, use it, or bin it.
Put it in your wok and watch it sizzles...
not trying to be Aunt Agony and this is certainly not one of Dear Abby's
columns. Heck, but teenlife sure is tough. It's a hell lot harder than
Stallone's stunts. There are something for you to read especially
fellow teenagers, in section TeenHood
101. It covers a lotta stuff, such
as coping with school and
exams (yikes!), some study tips you can use to impress your mortal friends
without studying too hard until your brain pops like popcorns on stove
and lots .
Hope you like it. Then you can proudly tell your mother that you finally
did something worthwhile while being on the Web. (Aiyah, you're chatting
again? Is this what internet is all for? Haiyah, I don't want to pay the
bill if this is what you do everyday. You pay yourself. Hear that? Aiyoh,
what a waste...) Sounds real familiar to us, doesn't it? :)
more thing, though. Don't drink and
drive .
It's really bad for your brother. (Hmm...I think I'm trying to be
funny again.)