who's moero?
sign guestbookNow that you've read my deepest secrets, I command you to sign my guestbook.

SiGn GuEsTbOoK

view guestbookIf you're suffering from what-am-I-going-to- write-in-the-guestbook -block, then I allow you to have a peek here. I'm nice.

ViEw GuEsTbOoK

mail moero!If you too are just learning to drive, why don't drop her a few lines about your experience? Especially the part when your car plays dead in the middle of the road. :)

mAiL mOeRo!

teenhood 101She wrote something especially for fellow teenagers. Surf on!

TeEnHoOd 101

puttpholioTake a look at Moero's art and compare it with your five year old brother's scribble.


moero is actually a lass lasswith the name of Mimi Najwa Mashud. She's 17 and at this moment, still learning to drive car, with the ambition to skillfully zig zag through the congested traffic of KLC (that's Kuala Lumpur, silly) with finesse when she gets her full license. Despite her huge aspiration, she found out in the first tryout that learning to drive could be nerve-wrecking nervous. Excuuuse me, she said, how can you be calm and composed when your car abruptly stops in the middle of a junction and you were at blur on which pedal to apply and which gear to use? Especially when Malaysia's more experienced driver passed you smoothly and you were dead worried that he would honk or give this get-outta-my-way-newbie look?

moero's pixuh, where am I going with this? OK, back to the real story here. Moero a.k.a Mimi was born on 18th of August, 1980 (Now, Moero would be very pleased if you send her a birthday gift gift, she wants a laptop). Naw, just kidding. She went to school schooland got out of it in one piece. A real survivor. UPSR, PMR and the drreaded SPM are the things of yesterday. Phew, what a relief. She also made a lotta friends. 5 NURANIANS RULE!, she said. You can see some of them at 5 n.u.r.a.n.i.a.n.s UNITED!


Name     : Mimi Najwa Mashud

Living in  : Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor,                 Malaysia

DOB      : 18th August 1980

Hobbies  : Cartooning, hibernating (sleeping,                  that is), surfing the Web, building                  websites, cycling, reading (even                  though schoolbooks are her                  drugless sleeping pills), writing.

Dislikes   : Computer crash, panic attacks,                  procrastination (although it's one                 of moero's major traits), etc...

Fave. movie : The Peacemaker,                      action/suspense                      movie with substance, not just                      high-flying kick flicks, sci-fi with                      intriguing plot

Fave. music group : The Corrs, Innuendo

oero said that's all for now. She was afraid that if she tell all bare all now, you won't come again and the numbers on her little counter won't go up. So, till the next reconstruction...ciao

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