
who's moero?To make a good linkies-schlinkies list, one must surf a lot thus threaten one's parents with the phone bill once a month. - wisdom from moero

WhO's MoErO?

sign the guestbook!Please don't go till you sign my guestbook? Please? Puhleezzeeee? Don't make me strangle you.

SiGn GuEsTbOoK

view guestbookLook, how many people have signed the guestbook. Get inspired to sign the guestbook by viewing the guestbook.

ViEw GuEsTboOk

mail moero!Tell moero how impressed (or unimpressed) you are with her surfing experience.

mAiL mOeRo!

teenhood 101Teenagers don't work. Teenagers don't worry over their head about what will happen to the world tomorrow. They surf. How kiasu.

TeEnHoOd 101

puttpholioSure you can go through all the links and conquer the web. But moero doesn't think you'll find these animations elsewhere.


Had enuff of this site? Then these are other cool!sites! Declare yourself a real web surfer and just click, click, click. Only if life is this easy.

 5 n.u.r.a.n.i.a.n.s UNITED!

Another presentation by our ever-so-hardworking moero after much of self-dragging to finish this project. Virtual hangout for ex-5-nuranians, her ex-classmates. (Hey, would you stop using the word ex? It makes me look like I'm in a bad relationship - moero)

 Farah's Kingdom of Art

My fellow cartoon-freak-ex-classmate site. Surf to her place and you'll see that she's a hard core anime fan.

 Lois's Boybands Page

My ex-classmate and friend-in-need when I have pictures to be scanned. If you're a fan of 'N Sync, 98 Degrees and stuff, then you're clicking on a right place.

 Aimo's Lil Fan Art Gallery (ALFAG)

No, she's not my ex-classmate. But she's one of my best bud online. Browse thru her pages, feast your eyes on her drawings. Then drool and be jealous.

 Zulhan - Chef of Cybercooking

If your cooking skills are as pathetic as moero's, then this site is a lifesaver. More recipes than your taste buds can handle!

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[ puttpholio ] [ teenhood 101 ] [ linkies ]