teenhood 101

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SiGn GuEsTbOoK

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ViEw GuEsTbOoK

mail moero!Write to her and tell her your grandma can write better. She needs the challenge.

mAiL mOeRo!

puttpholioIf all these readings are driving you batty, get crazier with her animated gifs. Hey, at least it's free.


welcome to TeenHood 101. A crash course for bewildered teenagers on the Web web. What actually, am I doing here? Why don't I just surf Spice Girls' latest stalker sites? At least it won't require a significant amount of thinking.

c'mon guys! Are we REALLY that absent-minded? Ignorant? Selfish? Whoa...I already feel like a politician making her stand for reelection. I don't want to bore you people to sleep...so let me cut the chase. Actually here you'll find a lot of articles concerning teenagers. Involving school life, exam tips, interpersonal skills and many other things in our lives other than Brad Pitt's latest commitment.

the flavor of the week (or month or year, depending on how frequent I update this thing) is some exam (yikes again!) tips. I'm a proud survivor from the SPM 97 wreck, even though maybe my efforts were not much to compare with my other more 'ulat buku' ulatfriends, but I'm a survivor nonetheless. I have a lotta books on study skills (bought it because I thought it could motivate me to study harder. NOTT!). So let's take a look-see on how to study without having to suffer from permanent brain damage.

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