Study for
The Last Supper
1495 - 1497
Red chalk

The Last Supper*
1495 - 1498
Wall painting in
Refectory of the
Monastery of
Sta Maria delle Grazie

Anatomical Study of
Man's Leg and Dog's
Pen and ink over red chalk "Relationship
exists between the arrangement of the bones and muscles of
animals and that of the bones and muscles of man."

Study for
Leda and the Swan
Pen, ink over black chalk

Dissection of
the Principal Organs
of a Woman
Pen, ink, wash over chalk

A Dog*
Red Chalk
This model appears several
times in Leonardo's
sketches and was likely
a member of his household.
Leonardo da Vinci started work in Milan
at the refectory of S. Maria delle Grazie
on The Last Supper, which was
near completion by the end of 1497.
da Vinci painted the Sala delle Asse
in Sforza Castle.
Duke Ludovico gave Leonardo a vineyard
near Milan in April; Leonardo fled Milan
during December, with the downfall of the duke.
Leonardo visited Mantua and drew his
portrait of Duchess Isabella d'Este;
left for Venice in February, and
returned to Florence in the spring.
da Vinci worked on The Madonna and Child
with St. Anne, and on the lost
Madonna with the Yarn Winder.
Leonardo da Vinci was appointed military
engineer for Cesare Borgia,
the captain-general of the papal armies
and son of Pope Alexander VI.
Leonardo began his cartoon for the
fresco of The Battle of Anghiari for the grand
council chamber of the Palazzo della Signoria,
commissioned by the government of
Florence; worked on the Mona Lisa, and
continued his dissections and anatomical studies.
Leonardo da Vinci was among those
appointed to decide the best place
for Michelangelo's statue of David.
Leonardo finsihed his cartoon for
The Battle of Anghiari.
da Vinci received permission of the Florentine
government to leave The Battle of
Anghiari fresco (which was never finished).
Leonardo returned to Milan to work
on projects for the French governor
of the city, Charles d'Amboise and designed
another equestrian monument for
Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, his successor.
Leonardo was appointed engineer
and painter to King Louis XII of France;
returned to Florence in September
Leonardo da Vinci returned to Milan for
further anatomical studies and other research.
1510 - 1511
Leonardo researched anatomy with young
Marc Antonio dalla Torre, who was later to be
considered the greatest anatomist of his time.
da Vinci left Milan for Florence, then for Rome
where he was given apartments in the
Belvedere of the Vatican under the patronage
of Giuliano de' Medici, Duke of Nemours,
who was the son of Lorenzo the Magnificent,
and the brother of Pope Leo X.
Leonardo da Vinci visited Parma.
1516 - 1517
Leonardo served in France as "First Painter and
Engineer to the King of France" while he
lived in the Manor of Cloux, a gift from Francis I,
who held court at the Chateau of Amboise.
The Cardinal of Aragon visited da Vinci.
da Vinci held a reception at Cloux for
the wedding of the king's niece to
Lorenzo de' Medici, who was the
Duke of Urbino and the brother of Leo X.
Leonardo da Vinci died at Cloux
on May 2, 1519 and was buried in the
Church of St.-Florentin in Amboise.

Study of Drapery
for Madonna and Child
with St. Anne*
Black chalk, india ink wash

Fighting Horsemen
1503 - 1504
Study for the lost fresco
The Battle of Anghiari

Twenty-seven Cats
and a Dragon
1507 - 1508
Silverpoint and pen

Anatomical Study of
a Man's Shoulder
Pen and ink
"Make a demonstation with muscles lean and thin so that
the space that is produced between the one and the other may
make a window to show what is behind them."

Embryo in the Uterus
Pen and ink
One of first drawings on
this subject in history

Sketch of Amboise
Red chalk