Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Advanced Placement Modern
European History
All students registering for AP European History must have completed
the required Dawn of Civilization course, have a minimum 3.0 GPA and
have filled out an application form and been accepted into the program.
Grade Level: 11-12
AP European History is a college prep course that provides students
with an academic experience equivalent to a freshman / sophomore
college survey of western history. The course is specifically designed
to provide students with an in-depth study of European history from
the 15th century through the modern day. In addition to course content,
the course is specifically designed to enhance student analytical
reading and essay writing skills.
Students successfully mastering the course material
may earn college credit by passing the annually administered AP
European history exam; the individual college or university determines
how many if any credits will be granted for the AP exam score. While
students cannot be required to take the AP Exam it is strongly recommended
that they plan to do so.
Course Overview:
Advance Placement European History is a three-quarter class that
examines European history from the time of the Renaissance and Reformation
up to the present day. The course is broken into three distinct
divisions. The first quarter of study focuses on the intellectual
and social history of Europe from the time of the Renaissance through
the Enlightenment.

The second quarter is a study of the political evolution
of Europe from the 16th century through the Napoleonic era. The
final quarter takes the student through the 19th and 20th centuries
focusing on the important intellectual developments and political
events that have shaped our modern world.
Special Skills
Advance Placement European History is intended to enhance development
of student critical thinking, document analysis interpretive reading,
information organization, synthesis, and writing skills.
Text, Supplemental Readings,
AP Exam and Fees
Because AP European History is an elective class,
students are required to purchase their materials in accordance
with Douglas County BOE policy. In addition to the materials listed
below, students will be required to select other titles that they
may purchase or checkout from local libraries. (Titles and fees
listed are subject to change.)
Text and Study Guide
Palmer, R.R. and Joel Colton. A History of the Modern
Colton, Joel. History of Modern World - Study Guide.
Supplemental Readings
Downs, Robert. Books that Changed the World.
Weber, Eugen. The Western Tradition.
disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death
your right to say it."
"God is
on the side not of the big battalions, but of the best shots."
Video Presentations
The following audio-visual presentations may be used in class:
Educational/Documentary Series
Art of the Western World
The Day the Universe Changed
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
World at War
Feature Films
All Quiet on the Western Front
A Man for All Seasons
Dr. Strangelove
Return of Martin Guerre
Additonal Course Info / AP Class Policy
| AP European History Syllabus: Quarter 1
| Quarter 2 | Quarter
3 |
| Writing Assignments, Exams, Critical Book
Reviews, More |
| AP Booklist and Fees |
Back to top of page
- AP Modern European History
in Depth -
Lecture Notes and Further Reading
| Methods and Rules for a Prince: How Should
a Prince Rule? |
| Borg vs Hick: Theories on Jesus and Christianity
| Kant's Epistemological Model and Religious
Pluralism |
Liberating Dachau
| World War II - Dachau Concentration Camp
Complex |
| Unanswered Questions: The Railroad Boxcars
| I Company Recollections and Quotes
| Liberating Dachau: The 42nd Division at
the Jourhaus |
Dachau, Germany
| Dachau: WWII Concentration Camp
Memorial | 2 |
3 |
Related Information
| Poems
and Prose From the 8th - 15th Centuries | 1
| 2 |
| Marseillaise, the National Anthem
of France:
A Modern-day Controversy | Sacré
Phew! |
AP Class Activities
| Play the Role of Philip II |
| Visual Interpretations - French Revolution
Art |
| "Ism" Maps of Europe and Asia
| Industrial Revolution: England's Advantage
| Marx and Tocqueville | America's
Entry Into World War I |
Trials - Simulations
| Trial of Martin Luther | Trial
of Adolf Hitler |
Helpful Information for Students
| AP Essay Writing Skills |
| Student-Developed Class Presentation Topics
Debate Information
| Guide: Individual Debate Position |
Debate Self Evaluation |
| Existence of God | Catherine
the Great or Frederick the Great |
| Locke - Hobbes | Voltaire
or Rousseau |
Cool Clicks & Related
(Hit your "Back" button to return
to this page)
Web Sites
to the Sistine Chapel in Vatican
Gallery of Art
Baroque and Rococo Art
Vatican Exibit Main Hall
Del Vaticanol
The Holy See (Vatican
The list of links will grow with student
Please e-mail pertinent URLs to Mr. Sedivy at: