
Mr. Sedivy's
History Classes:

Student Pages:

More Features:



Course Description
2. Colorado History Syllabus
Sedivy's Lecture Notes,
Reading, Information:
1. Cheyenne
Migration to Colo
2. The Gratlan Affair / Massacre
Fort Laramie Treaty
The Cheyenne Social Club
1. A Cheyenne War Story:
Wolf Road, the Runner
2. Cheyenne Traditions and
Beliefs, Sacred Stories
3. Horses, Warriors, War Pipe,
Sweatlodge Ceremony
4. War Parties and Battle Tactics
5. Scalp Dance / Cheyenne Dances
Fort Union
1. Sante Fe Trail and Fort Union
2. Sumner, 9th Military Dept,
The First Fort Union
3. Early Arrivals to Fort Union,
Daily Life at Fort Union
4. Captain Grover, The New
Fort Union, Confederate Threat
5. Arsenal, William Shoemaker,
End of Fort Union
Americans from the East

1. The Louisiana Purchase
2. Expedition of Zebulon Pike
3. Pikes Peak or Bust / Gold Rush
Colorado's Role in the
US Civil War
1. Fort Wise / Fort Lyon
2. Mace's Hole, Canby, F.C.V.R.
3. Fort Weld
4. Pet Lambs, John Chivington
5. General Henry Sibly,
Battle of Valverde, Fort Union
Cripple Creek District
Labor Strikes
1. Western Federation of Miners
2. The 1893 - 1894 Strike
3. The Strike of 1903 - 1904
4. The Mine Owners Association
5. Crimes and Military Rule in
the Cripple Creek District
6. Marshall Law in Cripple Creek,
End of the 2nd Strike
Early Cripple Creek
1. Photos, Fires, and Daily Life
2. Other Colorful Towns in the
District: Gillett - Colorado's Only
Bullfight, Victor, Independence
3. Guide to Miners' Gritty Lingo
More Colo History Info
1. Bent's Fort Photos, Founders,
Personalities, Plans, and More
2. Amenities at Bent's Fort
3. Colorado Trivia,
Old Photos,
Western Personalities, Forts
4. Lullabies for Jittery Cows -
Cowboy Ballads, Poetry, Prayer
5. Heraldry of the Branding Iron

6. Project Aims to Clear Infamous
Cannibal, Alferd Packer
7. Lead Gives Alferd Packer's
Story More Weight
8. Legendary Colorado Love Stories:
Baby Doe Tabor & More
9. Pioneer Women: Elizabeth Byers
10. Early Denver Jokes /
The History of April Fools' Day
11. US Memorial Day Holiday
History of Littleton
1. Prehistory - 1859 Gold Rush
2. Early 1860s / Founding Fathers
3. 1860s: Littleton's 1st Teacher,
Indian Troubles, Early Buildings
4. Littleton 1870s : Railroads,
1st Church, Highline Canal
5. Littleton in the 1880s:
Avery Gallup, First Newspaper
6. City of Littleton in the 1890s:
First Mayor, Pickletown
7. 1900s: South Arapahoe County,
Littleton Named County Seat
8. Littleton 1910 - 1920s:
Town Improvements / Industry
9. Littleton in the 1930s and 1940s
10. Boom of the 1950s and 1960s
11. Littleton: 1970s to Present
12. Littleton Trivia
Critical Book Review Info
Colorado History Book Review List
Sample Book Reviews
| Bent | Summit
Research Activity
Sand Creek
Colorado Geography
Activities / Worksheets
| Colorado Map Activity |
| Mountain Passes | Mining
Camps |
| Mineral Names | Fun
Names |
| Indian Names | Spanish
Names |
Relevant Colorado History
Movies - Viewer Worksheets
| Pueblo Cliff Dwellers |
| Little Big Man |
| A Man Called Horse |
| Jeremiah Johnson |
USA - Democracy
State / National Government
Why Did Government Originate?
American Constitution
What is a Constitution?
Powers Prohibited to Congress /
Powers Prohibited to States
Other Types of Gov't.
Totalitarian Dictatorship,
Absolute Monarchy
Trial and Judicial
System Information
1. Officers of
the Court /
Characteristics of a Trial
2. Courtroom Demeanor /
How to Dress for Court
3. Testifying in Court -
The DOs and DON'Ts
4. Trial Tactics and Tricks
Used by Attorneys
5. Common Trial Objections
During Testimony
6. Courtroom Definitions
Class Activities
Constitution Presentations
The Trial of Goldilocks
America's Entry into World War I
More Information
View WWI Uncle Sam Poster - 1917
Modern European
Course Description
Course Info / Class Policy
AP European History Syllabus:
| Quarter 1 | Quarter
2 | Quarter 3 |
1. Writing Assignments, Exams,
Critical Book Reviews, More
2. AP Booklist and Fees
Sedivy's Lecture Notes,
Reading, Information:
1. Methods
and Rules for a Prince:
How Should a Prince Rule?
2. Borg vs Hick: Theories on
Jesus and Christianity
3. Kant's Epistemological Model
and Religious Pluralism
Liberating Dachau
1. World War II - Dachau
Concentration Camp Complex
2. Unanswered Questions:
The Railroad Boxcars
3. I Company Recollections
4. 42nd Division at the Jourhaus
Dachau, Germany
| Dachau Memorial |
2 | 3 |
Related Information
Medieval Poems and Prose:
8th - 15th Centuries | 1
| 2 |
2. Marseillaise, French National
Anthem: Modern Controversy
3. Sacré Phew!
4. French Culture: Historical
Champagne and Wine Trivia
Modern European
History Quotes
1. Dark and Middle Ages
2. Reformation and Renaissance
3. Quotes from England: 15th,
16th and 17th Centuries
4. Quotes from the Enlightenment
and Scientific Revolution
5. Voltaire Quotes
6. French Revolution Era
7. European History - 1800s
8. Europe and Asia - 1900s
9. Winston Churchill
10. American Quotes from the
Early 1900s and World War I
11. US 20th-Century / World War II
AP Class Activities
1. Play the Role of Philip II
2. Visual Interpretations -
French Revolution Art
3. "Ism" Maps of Europe and Asia
4. Industrial Revolution:
England's Advantage
5. Marx and Tocqueville
6. US Entry Into World War I
Trials - Simulations
1. Trial of Martin Luther
2. Trial of Adolf Hitler
Helpful Info for Students
1. AP Essay Writing Skills
2. Student-Developed
Class Presentation Topics
Debate Information
1. Guide: Individual Debate Position
2. Debate Self Evaluation
1. Existence of God
2. Catherine the Great or Frederick?
3. Locke - Hobbes
4. Voltaire or Rousseau
European History*
Course Description
Further Reading
Essay Examples:
1. Habsburgs and
French Overstretch
2. German WWI & WWII Overstretch
3. History of Hitler
4. Cost of the Cold War
Sample Book Review
Sample Research Paper
Peace At Any Cost
Research Activity
United States Entry into WWI
Debate Information
Guide for Organizing
Debate Position
Related Information
WWII - Dachau
Concentration Camp Memorial
| 1 | 2
| 3 |
*Mr. Sedivy no longer teaches Modern
European History (non AP), but we've decided to leave his web contribution
to this class up anyway. The AP classes cover the same material, but
in more detail. Hopefully, this will aid other Highlands Ranch High
School students and other students around the world in their studies.
Highlands Ranch High School
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Site Contents
Last Updated
December 31, 2001
Site Highlights

The Complete
Bayeux Tapestry
| 1 | 2 | 3
| 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8
Virtual Tour of Ancient
Rome - Past & Present
| I | II
| III |
The Life, Inventions,
and Anatomical Studies,
of Leonardo da Vinci
| 1 | 2 |
The Emperors
The Roman Empire
| I | II |
Mr. Sedivy's
Tour of
Rothenburg, a Medieval City
| 1 | 2
| 3 |
Penalties of Shame
and Honor -
Medieval Crime and Punishment
| 1 | 2 | 3
WWII Dachau
Concentration Camp Memorial
| 1 | 2 | 3
The Iceman -
Tisenjoch Glacier Mummy
| 1 | 2 | 3
| 4 | 5 | 6
| 7 |
Ancient City
of Pompeii
| I | II |
| V | VI
| IX | X
From the Time
of Augustus Caesar
The Life of
King Henry VIII
Wives and More Included!
The Interesting
Life of
Queen Elizabeth I -
Check out the "Mask of Youth"
Benedict Arnold
And His Pal, John André
American Revolution
Lexington and Concord, Paul
Revere, Battle of Bunker Hill,
The Continental Army
Trial and Judicial
System Info:
Characteristics of a Trial,
Definitions, Lawyer Tricks,
Courtroom DO's & DON'Ts
Site Exclusive!

Modern European Plumbing -
Tour the Toilets of Italy
( Back to top of page
from Western History
1. Index
of Quotes by Speaker /
Historical Period
2. Great Quotes of Ancient Greece
3. Quotes of Ancient Rome - BC
4. Ffrom the Roman Empire - AD
5. Dark and Middle Ages
6. Reformation and Renaissance
7. Quotes from England: 15th,
16th and 17th Centuries
8. The Enlightenment and
Scientific Revolution Quotes
9. Voltaire Quotes
10. Quotes from the French
Revolution and Napoleon Era
11. Modern European History -
Quotes from the 1800s
12. From Europe and Asia - 1900s
13. Winston Churchill

Famous Quotes from
American History
1. Benjamin Franklin
2. Quotes from America - 1700s
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. United States Quotes - 1800s
5. Abraham Lincoln / Civil War
6. Mark Twain Quotes
7. American Quotes from the
Early 1900s and World War I
8. US 20th-Century and
World War II Quotes
9. American Pop Culture Quotes

Student Pages
Highlands Ranch
High School
Soccer - Go Falcons!
HRHS Philosophy
Student Information
Class Policy
Critical Book
Essay Format
AP Essay Writing
Guide: Individual
Debate Position
Plug-ins help for multi-media
and sound formats at this site:
Fun Stuff at
Mr. Sedivy's Site
History Humor & Jokes
| 1 | 2 | 3
| 4 | 5 | 6
| 7 |
| 8 | 9 | 10
| 11 | 12
Cheeky Site Exclusive
Modern European
Plumbing -
Tour the Toilets of Italy
Mr. Sedivy's
Favorite Recipes
1. High Protein Snacks
Tasty, Mouth-Watering Treats
Europe With Sedivy
Sedivy's Tour of
Medieval Rothenburg
| 1 | 2
| 3 |
Mr. Sedivy's
Excellent Adventure
- Shockwave Photo Tour -
1. Scenic Dolomite Mountains

2. The Hills Are Alive...
3. Map - Alpe di Siusi
The History
of April Fools' Day
I Fish
Happy Trails
to You!
( Back to top of page
Other Info
Odyssey 2001
Mission Launch Photos
by Rocket Scientist,
Mr. Edward Sedivy
We Will Miss You
Dale Evans 1913 - 2001
Course Materials and
Lecture Notes to Be
Available Online Soon
Highlands Ranch
High School
High School
County School District

Related Highlands
High School
Sites of Interest
Ranch High School
High School Drumline
High School
Soccer Booster Club
Please visit often to catch the latest cool history
stuff that Mr. Sedivy has posted. And, remember:
History really is fun!
Contact Mr. Sedivy

E-mail Mr. Sedivy:
Links & Information
Be sure to leave your mark
for HRHS posterity!
Mr. Sedivy's Guestbook
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Dawn of Civilization
- Napoleonic Era
Units Follow:
1. When
Does History Begin?
2. Old Stone Age
- Paleolithic
3. Neolithic Life
and Culture
4. Paleolithic
/ Neolithic People
5. Mesoamerica
- The Olmecs
Related Information

1. The Iceman -
Tisenjoch Glacier Mummy
1 | 2 | 3
| 4 | 5
| 6 | 7 |
2. Human
Tree Might Have a
New Branch - New Fossil Found
3. Ancient Art
Dancing 9000 Years Ago
1. Mesopotamia,
2. Fall of Mesopotamia
3. Who Were the
4. History of
Hebrew People
More Information
Compare Phoenician, Greek
& Roman Alphabets
Class Exercise
Temple & Funerary
1. Introduction
to Greece
2. Peoples of Ancient
Minoans and Myceneans
3. Development
of City-States:
Sparta and Athens
4. Athenian Empire
5. Alexander the
6. Athenian Culture
I -
Etruscans / Romulus & Remus
II - The Roman Republic
III - Writings From the
of Augustus Caesar
IV - Rise of the Roman Empire
V - Roman Life /
VI - Pax Romana /
Roman Culture
VII - Decline
of Roman Empire
Class Activites
I. Roman Aqueduct Project
II. Imperial
Historian of Augustus
Further Topical Reading
Historical Jesus
More Information
I. The Emperors of Rome
| I
| II | III
II. Malaria
May Have Hastened
the Fall of Rome
III. Virtual
Tour of Ancient
Rome - Past & Present
| I | II
| III |

of Pompeii - I
Background of Pompeii
- II
Entrance and
Roads - III
The Forum and
Basilica - IV
Temples of
Isis, and Jupiter - V
Water Supply
and Baths - VI
Bakery and
Brothel - VII
Houses of the
Faun, Vettii,
And Silver Wedding - VIII
Houses of Marcus
Villa of the Mysteries, more - IX
Court of the
Amphitheatre, & Necropolis - X
Middle Ages
1. Dark Ages and Feudalism
2. Clovis, Charles
the Hammer,
Charlemagne, Magyars,
Vikings / The Life of a Serf
3. The Roman
Catholic Church
4. High Middle
5. Plague: The
Black Death
6. Knights, Code
of Chivalry,
Heraldry, and Medieval Warfare
7. The Hundred
Years War
8. Medieval Culture
The Complete Bayeux Tapestry
| 1 | 2
| 3 | 4
| 5 | 6
| 7 | 8

and prose from the
8th - 15th centuries.
Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer,
William Langland & more.
Includes: Divine Comedy,
Beowulf, Canterbury Tales:
Medieval Poetry and Prose
| 1 | 2
3. Mr. Sedivy's Tour of
Medieval Rothenburg
| 1 |
2 | 3 |
4. Penalties of Shame and Honor
| 1 | 2
| 3 |
and Reformation
1. What Was the Renaissance?
2. Italian Personalities
3. Renaissance
4. The Protestant
5. Martin Luther,
6. John Calvin,
7. Anglicanism
/ King Henry VIII
8. French Huguenots
/ Summary
9. Renaissance
10. Most Important
Related Information
Life, Inventions, Anatomical
Studies, of Leonardo da Vinci
| 1 | 2
| 3 |
of Exploration
1. Age of Exploration
Expansion of Western Europe
2. Portuguese Explorers
3. Spanish Empire
in America
4. English / French
1. Ferdinand & Isabella, Charles V,
Philip II, Decline of Spain
2. The Bourbons, Henry
Louis XIII, Richelieu
3. King Louis
XIV of France
4. Richard III - The Tudors
5.King Henry VIII
6. Life of Queen
Elizabeth I
7. Mary, Queen
of Scots
8. The Stuarts / Oliver
The Enlightenment
1. Inventions, Galileo,
Scientific Method
2. Age of Reason
- Man in the State
of Nature: Locke, Voltaire
More Information
1. Kant's Epistemological
and Religious Pluralism
2. Borg vs Hick
1. First Settlers: English Stock
Companies, Pilgrims, Puritans
2. Colonies: New
Pennsylvania, Maryland, more
3. Why Did They
Bring Slaves?
Problems and War
4. The French and Indian War
5. Stamp Act, Sugar
Boston Massacre / Tea Party
American Revolution
6. Lexington and Concord,
Paul Revere, Battle of Bunker Hill, Continental Army
7. Declaration of
8. Turning Point,
9. End - Yorktown
/ Treaty of Paris
10. Benedict Arnold
/ John André
11. Articles of
Constitution, Bill of Rights
& Napoleonic Era
1. Old Regime / Estates General
2. Tennis Court Oath
Storming of the Bastille
3. Reign of Terror
/ Guillotine
4. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
5. Napoleon's Problems
Results on Europe
Related Information
Marseillaise, the
National Anthem of France
Nation State England

The Ancient Celts
1. Gallic He-Men
2. Celtic Culture, Trade,
Religion, Druids, Women
3. Threat of the Celts -
Celtic Battles and Conquests
History of England
4. Roman Conquest of Britain
5. Christianity in Britain
6. Customs: Thanes, Churls,
Thralls, Wergeld, Folk-Moot
7. Dark Ages: Alfred the Great,
Edward the Elder, Athelstan
8. The Return of the Vikings
9. Kings of Britain: Aethelred,
Cnut, Edward the Confessor
10. Bayeaux Tapestry,
William the Conqueror,
Edward the Confessor,
Harold Godwinson, Harold II
11. The Crusades: Richard
Lion Heart, Pope Urban
12. King John, Innocent III,
Archbishop Stephen Langton
13. Magna Carta / 1st Parliament
Wales and Scotland
14. Wales: Edward I,
Llewellyn, Snowdonia
15. Scotland: Alexander III,
John Balliol, William Wallace,
Robert Bruce, King Edward II
The 100 Years War
16. Edward III, Longbows at Crecy,
Edward IV, the Black Prince
17. Henry V, King Charles VI,
Battle at Calais, Treaty of Troyes
More Information
18. Other Kings of the Dark
and Middle Ages: William II,
Henry I, Henry II
19. British Monarchy's Peerage:
Dukes, Viscounts, Marquess,
Earls, Baronets, and Barons
Class Activities
Roman Conquest Comparison
Battle of Agincourt
Related Information
A. The Complete Bayeux Tapestry
| 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7
| 8 |
Roman Catholic Church
in the Middle Ages / Crusades
C. The Hundred Years War
D. King Henry VIII
E. Life of Queen Elizabeth I
F. The Stuarts: James I,
Charles I, Charles II, James II
Oliver Cromwell
Since Mr. Sedivy's history site now contains
over 400 web pages, we've added a section for NEW
pages entitled: What's New? Our
newest site content additions are listed there, and might not necessarily
be listed on this page.